There's honestly too many illegal guns circulating around the country...Making a law against them wouldn't help....People really don't need guns for protection though, that's what house alarms are for he he...or big dogs
honestly though. I own plenty of hunting firearms, if all else, I can use one of those to protect myself, imagine a crook looking down the barrell of a 12 gauge
I'm not quite sure you are saying this and others here have seemed to bounce around the edges but I'm going to use you to make this point. There is a belief in our society that the need to defend one's self or be prepared to is not needed because we have a police force. This belief goes even further that we also need not prepare in no way for some foreign aggressor as this is completely in the realm of the military. As well the case can be made for earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters. This thinking IMHO could never be more wrong.
For starters, our nation and it's founding documents never gave any such assurances but even more important today are the judical rulings time and again where the courts have maintained that gov't has no duty to provide the public with adequate protective services.
In 1989', SCOTUS heard the case of Deshaney v. Winnebago County Social Services (489 U.S. 189) in which it was alledged that Winnebago Cty. was at fault in failing to povide adequate protective services in a child welfare case. SCOTUS in it's majority opinion held the following in the case.
A State's failure to protect an individual against private violence generally does not constitute a violation of the Due Process Clause, because the Clause imposes no duty on the State to provide members of the general public with adequate protective services. The Clause is phrased as a limitation on the State's power to act, not as a guarantee of certain minimal levels of safety and security; while it forbids the State itself to deprive individuals of life, liberty, and property without due process of law, its language cannot fairly be read to impose an affirmative obligation on the State to ensure that those interests do not come to harm through other means
In another major decision from a federal appellate court, it was ruled that:
the police were under no specific legal duty to provide protection to individual appellants
Warren v. District of Columbia 444 A. 2d 1 (D.C. App. 181)
For a more general background on this case you might read this piece.
On the one hand I understand and appreciate the concern of those folks who don't like guns or reframe from resorting to having them around or using them but at the same time, guns in a very real way may be the course of last resort for good, honest decent folks from becoming a victim. If the State by law has no duty to protect us, the only real recourse is for us to protect ourselves and to suggest the individual be barred from seeking out the best means of protecting his/her life, liberty or property literally goes against the bedrock thinking that formed our free society to begin with.
I don't believe we have the right to bare arms because of the 2nd amendment, the 2nd amendment was a re-affirming of the pre-existing inalienable right grounded in the "right to life, liberty and property" ideal as expressed by John Locke and his political thinking. Protecting Locke's ideas of revolution as a natural right was also an equally important aspect as well as any contract, even a social contract, once made void by violation should be allowed to be made null even if at the point of a gun as the last resort. Obviously Lincoln didn't hold to Locke's views but then we also forget other States (some Northern) before that threatened succession but this fact tends to get lost in Statecraft myth making.
An inaleinable right is a right coming from God or nature's God and therefore can not be seperated from man by another man or a collection of men we call gov't. To do so literally sets one at odds with God or Nature's God!
That's my take for what it's worth!
The Bitter Fruits of Compromise