What scares so many people is the way she will speak her mind. That honest, not scripted response is what people are looking for these days. They are damn tired of the politically correct, well scripted, no meaning, run around the question responses that we get from those running for office these days. What a breath of fresh air.
I love the quote highlighted in red.... marvelous! Lets , see..
On Barbara Walters, she was asked about Israel expanding settlements into Palestinian land. Palin stated "the Israelis should be allowed to expand"...
Walters, seemingly confused over the answer, re-asked the question, only this time emphasizing the words "ON PALESTINIAN LAND", and Palin, in her befuddled ( I dont know what to say face) stated " THE ISRAELIS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EXPAND".
Now seriously, many presidents have negotiated with the Israelis to stop taking Palestinian land, and yet PALIN believes they should just take more.
There has been bloodshed for decades over Israel taking land that doesnt belong to them, and this has been the source of anger among many arabs, however in PALINS foreign expertise, she believes they should stoke the fire by taking more.
Is this the type of leadership the world needs??
This only demonstrates her inability to think before she speaks. You can only "coach" her to say so much, then the "tilt" sign goes off in her head and she goes on to say something as stupid as this.
Sarah Palin has accomplished nothing. It took her 6 years to finish a 4 year junior college degree, additionally, it also took 5 different schools.
If this is the best the republicans have to offer, then by all means bring it.
You can only polish an apple for so long before the skin starts to rub off.
Dannyboy, you promote Palin and you will give the democrats exactly what is needed to stay in power for years.
Ill thank you in advance.