Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

who cares?

The world cares moreluck. Who wants the leader of the free world to be hated and ranked with the top 10 hated leaders of the world. BUSH 2 was top of the list in front of Castro, Chavez, Jong Il, Putin during his entire term in office. The world hated BUSH.

OBAMA now ranks as the most respected leader of the free world in all countries. Thats a huge turn around from 8 years of bush.

Today, BUSH cant step onto the soil of another country without hundreds of thousands of protesters greeting him.

Thats embarrassing.



Für Meno :)
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Could you imagine Bush saying "I'm a Berliner" in Berlin ?
They would have shown him a fingers ! LOL
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Für Meno :)
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Just out :
Sarah bought herself a $1.7 Million mansion in Scottsdale, AZ, and will be moving there !
Could it be, because she wants to run as a candidate ?
Or maybe just be closer to her Daughter that lives in the Phoenix area ?


golden ticket member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Bush is NOT THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD !! When will you accept this fact???
Every excuse you write starts with Bush. It's getting real old. When is your guy gonna accept his role? If he doesn't accept responsibility for anything, then history will only write one paragraph about him in the books......


golden ticket member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Just out :
Sarah bought herself a $1.7 Million mansion in Scottsdale, AZ, and will be moving there !
Could it be, because she wants to run as a candidate ?
Or maybe just be closer to her Daughter that lives in the Phoenix area ?
Maybe she was just trying to personally improve the housing market in AZ. by doing her part !!!


Well-Known Member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

OMG, and the gang of 10 on this blog wonder why Sarah Palin is called "dumb, stupid and an Idiot"??

Time to park that bus, shes starting to sound like someone on this blog whos spreading the word around!

Geez, as bugs bunny would say, WHAT A MAROON!



Für Meno :)
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

She'll do a great "Toast to the Queen". What would she say ? hmmm... probably something like this :
We are slashing medicare, and building our military up, to protect the USA from the UK ! Stay away dear Queen our new nukes are aimed towards you !


golden ticket member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Palin is a private citizen....why would she even be toasting a queen unless it's Queen Latifah.


Strength through joy
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Could you even imagine Sarah Palin or some other Republican doing this?
We’d never hear the end of it.

A message from US President Barack Obama and his wife, first lady Michelle Obama, apparently signed by the President with the wrong date of 2008 in the distinguished visitors’ book during a tour of Westminster Abbey, in central London, as part of his state visit to the United Kingdom, Tuesday May 24, 2011. (AP/John Stillwell, Pool)

Sure looks like bhos is the dumb one.


Staff member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

People actually care?


golden ticket member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Because of it's uniqueness, the queen will list it on E-Bay with a starting bid of $1 million U.S. !!


Staff member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Because of it's uniqueness, the queen will list it on E-Bay with a starting bid of $1 million U.S. !!

And there are people stupid enough to pay that kind of money for it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Its amazing how you who consider yourselves republicans cant admit Sarah Palin ( a private citizen) is an IDIOT.

She is the speaking gift that keeps on giving. A charade, a sham, a farse, a puppet on the end of some expensive strings being told what to say , what to do, where to go and when shes caught without a PREPARED text in front of her that shes studied for days, she sounds like the poor white trash that she is.

Her junior college experience showed in this clip, or it could be that it took her 6 different junior colleges and 6 years to get a 4 year degree and she spent her time cheerleading instead of studying american history. This clip with her explaning what paul revere did shows exactly the intelligence level of a seasoned liar.

You can tell she did not know the answer when asked, shes struggles to put a thought together, then blurts out some garbage (lie) as she tries to improvise an answer. Whether she is a private citizen or not, shes parading around america on a psuedo campaign tour trying to improve her image.

With polling showing negatives in the 60's, todays mouth diarhea will only increase her negatives.

I cant wait for her to reach hawaii and tell us how the germans bombed pearl harbor!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

"over, over, nothing is over!" "was it over when the germans bombed pearl harbor?".... Wait was that in animal house or was that the first conversation in the sarah palin bus tour to nowhere?

LOLOLOLOLOL PALIN is and will always be an idiot and those like minded individuals who would support her deserve to be represented by her.



golden ticket member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

Why should I proclaim anything about Sara's intelligence......that would be like commenting on your intelligence. You are both private citizens. Why do you feel the need to degrade the lady?? She's travelling by bus, with her kids and showing them their country. Great history lesson. All the historic places. It gives kids an idea of the country they come from.

She seems gung-ho for life, for her beliefs and spends time with her family. Why should I hate her????????


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."

O, Before we talk about Palin being dumb, lets just do a quick review of our President