golden ticket member
re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."
What's with the polling stuff........she's not a candidate.......gee, maybe you should discuss the Trump polls and the Huckabee polls (also NOT candidates!!!)Its amazing how you who consider yourselves republicans cant admit Sarah Palin ( a private citizen) is an IDIOT.
She is the speaking gift that keeps on giving. A charade, a sham, a farse, a puppet on the end of some expensive strings being told what to say , what to do, where to go and when shes caught without a PREPARED text in front of her that shes studied for days, she sounds like the poor white trash that she is.
Her junior college experience showed in this clip, or it could be that it took her 6 different junior colleges and 6 years to get a 4 year degree and she spent her time cheerleading instead of studying american history. This clip with her explaning what paul revere did shows exactly the intelligence level of a seasoned liar.
You can tell she did not know the answer when asked, shes struggles to put a thought together, then blurts out some garbage (lie) as she tries to improvise an answer. Whether she is a private citizen or not, shes parading around america on a psuedo campaign tour trying to improve her image.
With polling showing negatives in the 60's, todays mouth diarhea will only increase her negatives.
I cant wait for her to reach hawaii and tell us how the germans bombed pearl harbor!