re: Sarah Palin is called STUPID and I'm an IDIOT by....."drum roll please....."
You're lovin' the bad news about a non-presidential candidate while all the time an incumbant presidential candidate gets bad news that's crucial to the survival of this country and it's economy !!
I am doing more than enjoying the bad news, I am celebrating it. I want to see this charade destroyed. I want to see this kind of puppetry ended in american politics. Todays republican party has been reduced to "side shows" and as our president has called them "carnival barkers".
Sarah Palins non campaign campaign tour is a joke that should be cut short, but it wont, as there are people dumb enough to not only support it, but give her their hard earned money as she turns into a millionaire and they separate with their paychecks.
This private person is making millions of dollars by being at the end of the strings of Sal Russo.
I hope the emails contain something that ends this bus tour and the "mirage" that is the Palin effect.
As for the country, you said "
incumbant presidential candidate gets bad news that's crucial to the survival of this country"
This country isnt going anywhere. If George Bush couldnt destroy america in 8 years with 10.7 trillion dollars in national debt, 2 unpaid wars, the collapse of wall street, the collapse of the housing market, the collapse of our manufacturing industry, 11 million jobs shipped overseas, coruption scandals in his administration and congress, tax cuts for the rich, unemployment going from 4% to 7.8% when he left office THEN how can you possibly believe the country would end under OBAMA??
Did you forget about those 8 years? Why would you want to repeat the failed policies of the republicans during those 8 years?
What makes you think that revisiting the ideas of REAGAN during his 8 years of FISCAL NIGHTMARE, 4 years of FISCAL NIGHTMARE of GH BUSH, and 8 years of FISCAL NIGHTMARE with GW BUSH will "save" this country from the doom that you are preaching?
There isnt one repubilcan in todays field of candidates that is offering anythng different than the same old tried and failed policies of all three former presidents.
This country is on a track to recovery, it may not be as fast as we like, but its recovering. You should be angry with OPEC, who after we spent over 3 trillion dollars in 2 wars defending them, they refuse to raise oil production and that costs YOU and ME thousands of dollars in higher fuel costs.
We save them, and they screw us. Thats the repubican plan.