Sarah Palin Says Independence Day Is For Remembering When Jesus Led The Revolution


All Trash No Trailer
You idiot. is a satire joke website.
You seem to be so interested in any news that make Republicans look bad, you can't tell a joke website from a real website.
Really pathetic of you.
did i ever say this was true or that i believed it? i said i posted it because it was hilarious,and it is!


Well-Known Member
So bigger government is your solution for a better health care system.
You really need some one helping you through the rest of your life? Maybe they could hold your hand too?

The irony here is that the 'single-payer' healthcare system we actually have in place, Medicare, has much more positive outcomes, lower costs overall, and just functions as it should.

I'm not sure what you mean, 'helping you through the rest of your life'...

Our current healthcare system is so riddled with overspending, multiple-insurance bloat, idiot redundancies, etc., and you're asking me if I think bigger government is the solution?

Are you telling me that less government in the healthcare system is working super-well?

When the insurance companies are charging you 10$ for an aspirin, that's not the governments fault.

When the government blocks regulation saying that Medicare can't bargain for drug prices, that's the governments fault.

You're asking me if I want someone to hold my hand, I'm asking you if you want corporations and insurance companies to dictate your health care options for you, and do a chitty job at it.

I love how everyone says that America is the best...unfortunately we're not the best at healthcare outcomes, and it's mostly due to our idiot system.

Yes, we should change the system, because our system sucks.

We pay too much as a country for healthcare, and we have inferior results.

The ACA could have been the start to a fix, but it's so bloated with industry and big-business hand-jobs and poor implementation, and it's not the answer.

On principle I agree with "market-forces", but I feel that some things don't belong in that realm, like healthcare.

And water-rights.

(Do you know that companies from France are buying the water supply from right under our feet? and that it's perfectly legal for them to do so? I don't think that's correct, and I think it's a matter of national security...)


Well-Known Member
did i ever say this was true or that i believed it? i said i posted it because it was hilarious,and it is!

The thing thats so funny is that it sounds like something Sarah Palin would actually say.

Why would anyone research it to verify if its true or not?


Well-Known Member
The irony here is that the 'single-payer' healthcare system we actually have in place, Medicare, has much more positive outcomes, lower costs overall, and just functions as it should.

I'm not sure what you mean, 'helping you through the rest of your life'...

Our current healthcare system is so riddled with overspending, multiple-insurance bloat, idiot redundancies, etc., and you're asking me if I think bigger government is the solution?

Are you telling me that less government in the healthcare system is working super-well?

When the insurance companies are charging you 10$ for an aspirin, that's not the governments fault.

When the government blocks regulation saying that Medicare can't bargain for drug prices, that's the governments fault.

You're asking me if I want someone to hold my hand, I'm asking you if you want corporations and insurance companies to dictate your health care options for you, and do a chitty job at it.

I love how everyone says that America is the best...unfortunately we're not the best at healthcare outcomes, and it's mostly due to our idiot system.

Yes, we should change the system, because our system sucks.

We pay too much as a country for healthcare, and we have inferior results.

The ACA could have been the start to a fix, but it's so bloated with industry and big-business hand-jobs and poor implementation, and it's not the answer.

On principle I agree with "market-forces", but I feel that some things don't belong in that realm, like healthcare.

And water-rights.

(Do you know that companies from France are buying the water supply from right under our feet? and that it's perfectly legal for them to do so? I don't think that's correct, and I think it's a matter of national security...)

The ACA is a start. The problem is the Republicans are and have been determined to have Obama fail from the get go . They are proud obstructionist. Running for 2016 constantly attacking Hillary.

The irony is that the ACA might work, so if and when a Republican President tries to reverse the ACA in the future a lot of Americans will then really realize that this was a good start for Americans to get healthcare.

Because the Republicans have never had a better idea? Oh wait! Its actually Romney care. My bad.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
did i ever say this was true or that i believed it? i said i posted it because it was hilarious,and it is!
Really. You post pure garbage on BC, knowing it is garbage? I don't think so.

Otherwise, it shows such an anti-Republican agenda that you have no credibility anymore.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
did i ever say this was true or that i believed it? i said i posted it because it was hilarious,and it is!
You sir, are a liar. If you go back a look at the 1st post in this thread, you say that Sarah Palin said what you claimed she said.
Again, you are a liar.


Staff member
The ACA is a start. The problem is the Republicans are and have been determined to have Obama fail from the get go . They are proud obstructionist. Running for 2016 constantly attacking Hillary.

The irony is that the ACA might work, so if and when a Republican President tries to reverse the ACA in the future a lot of Americans will then really realize that this was a good start for Americans to get healthcare.

Because the Republicans have never had a better idea? Oh wait! Its actually Romney care. My bad.
And to make thing harder on Republicans going forward, rulings like the Hobby Lobby one open possibilities for companies to shift more and more employees to the exchanges which is exactly what they need to remain viable or even eventually a single payer system once enough employers head for that exit.


Well-Known Member
Sarah Palin may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but she was smart enough to know that being an author and guest speaker/mouthpiece/commentator pays a hell of a lot better than being a governor/politician. I think you'll see her flirt with the idea of running for office just for the press spotlight but never actually do it.

A post like that is funny and definitely in her wheelhouse but sadly Free Wood Post is satire. :(


Staff member
Sarah Palin may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but she was smart enough to know that being an author and guest speaker/mouthpiece/commentator pays a hell of a lot better than being a governor/politician. I think you'll see her flirt with the idea of running for office just for the press spotlight but never actually do it.

A post like that is funny and definitely in her wheelhouse but sadly Free Wood Post is satire. :(
Palin is so blatantly a political hack of whorism. Not really a bad thing. Like Madonna marketing herself for her music. I did find Palin to be a bit over the top in 2011 while making the rounds wearing a Star of David necklace.


golden ticket member
So you don't vote Republican? I see a trend of people who like to say they're not Republican (Tea Partiers mostly). When it comes down to it, they vote for what they consider the lesser of the two evils. I call them Republicans.
I call them the ones that the zombies are looking for...............the ones with the generous amount of brains!


All Trash No Trailer
You sir, are a liar. If you go back a look at the 1st post in this thread, you say that Sarah Palin said what you claimed she said.
Again, you are a liar.
erm no, i copied and pasted the article and in my first post said i posted it because i found it hilarious(and i still do!) I shall announce from the start next time that I am taking the piss as you lot have no sense of humor lol

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The only thing that would scare me more than the thought of Sarah Palin becoming President is Hillary Clinton becoming President. If you you liberals elect her then it's settled.....liberalism is a mental disorder. But what more are we to expect? I mean you people elected a community organizer twice that in no way was even remotely qualified to be a President and has a past that would send up numerous red flags on a top security clearance investigation (which is why I believe that a Presidential candidate should be required to get a TS clearance just like any other person that has applied and instead of being handed one for winning an election). Good jobs fellas! But keep on bashing Palin if it makes you feel better about your decision.


Staff member
The only thing that would scare me more than the thought of Sarah Palin becoming President is Hillary Clinton becoming President. If you you liberals elect her then it's settled.....liberalism is a mental disorder. But what more are we to expect? I mean you people elected a community organizer twice that in no way was even remotely qualified to be a President and has a past that would send up numerous red flags on a top security clearance investigation (which is why I believe that a Presidential candidate should be required to get a TS clearance just like any other person that has applied and instead of being handed one for winning an election). Good jobs fellas! But keep on bashing Palin if it makes you feel better about your decision.
Dr. Union Organizer has spoken...from his padded cell at the Reagan Library!:)


All Trash No Trailer
The only thing that would scare me more than the thought of Sarah Palin becoming President is Hillary Clinton becoming President. If you you liberals elect her then it's settled.....liberalism is a mental disorder. But what more are we to expect? I mean you people elected a community organizer twice that in no way was even remotely qualified to be a President and has a past that would send up numerous red flags on a top security clearance investigations. Good jobs fellas! But keep on bashing Palin if it makes you feel better about your decision.
If you should like to start a thread debating the qualifications of Hillary Clinton becoming president i'll be more than happy to respond as in my opinion she is an educated woman(and By GOD there aint much more the Republicans hate/fear more than that!) who is far more qualified than than anyone the Republicans can field


golden ticket member
If you should like to start a thread debating the qualifications of Hillary Clinton becoming president i'll be more than happy to respond as in my opinion she is an educated woman(and By GOD there aint much more the Republicans hate/fear more than that!) who is far more qualified than than anyone the Republicans can field
Can you say....."brain bleed" ??? Disclosing her medical condition (which is required) will put her back at home in the rocker on the porch ....with Bill mumbling, "I'd hit that"..

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Sarah Palin may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but she was smart enough to know that being an author and guest speaker/mouthpiece/commentator pays a hell of a lot better than being a governor/politician. I think you'll see her flirt with the idea of running for office just for the press spotlight but never actually do it.

A post like that is funny and definitely in her wheelhouse but sadly Free Wood Post is satire. :(

PSST, it wasnt her idea. She has been used for promotion and has made a ton of money by doing what she is told.

Dont give her credit for having a brain. She can only repeat what is put in front of her and when she has had the opportunity to speak her "OWN" mind with her "OWN" knowledge, she has screwed it up.

Remember her Paul Revere recollections??
