Sarah Palin Says Independence Day Is For Remembering When Jesus Led The Revolution

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
If you should like to start a thread debating the qualifications of Hillary Clinton becoming president i'll be more than happy to respond as in my opinion she is an educated woman(and By GOD there aint much more the Republicans hate/fear more than that!) who is far more qualified than than anyone the Republicans can field
Most politicians are, in fact, educated, yet, some behave as if they were not. Education doesn't denote qualification to be POTUS.


nowhere special
Most politicians are, in fact, educated, yet, some behave as if they were not. Education doesn't denote qualification to be POTUS.

Agreed. Knowledge is not the same as wisdom. There are many people with college educations I wouldn't trust to go to the grocery store. And others without a lot of formal education (but are usually self educated) who have common sense and listen to others for advice. Not controlled by handlers because they filter that advice through their own common sense. POTUS is mostly a figurehead and the best ones have had good people working under them to whom they could delegate authority. Worst are the narcissists who think they know more than anyone else.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Agreed. Knowledge is not the same as wisdom. There are many people with college educations I wouldn't trust to go to the grocery store. And others without a lot of formal education (but are usually self educated) who have common sense and listen to others for advice. Not controlled by handlers because they filter that advice through their own common sense. POTUS is mostly a figurehead and the best ones have had good people working under them to whom they could delegate authority. Worst are the narcissists who think they know more than anyone else.
Our current POTUS is definitely a narcissist. I want a POTUS that is wise and educated but lets logic and common sense rule their decisions instead of emotions, narcissism, and ideology.


Well-Known Member
Most politicians are, in fact, educated, yet, some behave as if they were not. Education doesn't denote qualification to be POTUS.

Politicians like all of us have been given what the greeks called a "enkuklios paideia" meaning a circular education. By its very nature it's limiting and little more than being bound by chains forced to watch the wall of the cave as in Plato's famous allegory. Your agenda is often not yours but the imprint of someone else.

Being given a standard set of facts without ever questioning and then learning to regurgitate those facts upon recall demand is education. But the attainment of knowledge "gnosis" is a whole other matter and IMO true knowledge begins when the individual seeks out the journey of being an autodidact. It's no irony that the latin word Liber is both the root word for library and liberty at the same time. Where can one find knowledge? In a book and what does knowledge give? Freedom.

The knowledge sought by the autodidact is not an action or result of grades as if advancing through some ancient mystery school thus wearing the mortar board upon completion to the master's satisfaction. Knowledge and the seeking of wisdom begins at birth and ends only at death. It is life's journey, a self journey if you will, which comes from everywhere that most people try and avoid it. I can understand that.

As the Oracle of Delphi maxim sez, Know Thyself!

That to me applies both to the inner self as well as the outer expanse.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

I think you meant STUPIDITY.

So P.O.S., do you have a Yale education? Were you ever trained to fly U.S. military fighter jets? Did you ever run a professional baseball team?
I think you are the last person on here that should be calling anyone stupid.


nowhere special
Can't we all just get along.................and agree that Sarah Palin is a maroon.

No. Palin is not well polished but is much smarter than the left try to portray her. Liberals believe its OK to attack her but people like Biden can say or do anything and get a free pass.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Palin is not "well Polished?"


a junior college flunky, who had to go to 5 separate junior colleges to complete her education while banging black basketball players and you think she is smart?

The curve on your scale of educated must be a flat line.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Can't we all just get along.................and agree that Sarah Palin is a maroon.
No on both. If you can match any of her successes in life, go ahead and say so.
College educated?
Elected as a governor of a state?
Chosen as a VP candidate for 1 of our 2 large political parties.
Paid ten to a hundred thousand dollars per speaking event?
I didn't think so.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So P.O.S., do you have a Yale education? Were you ever trained to fly U.S. military fighter jets? Did you ever run a professional baseball team?
I think you are the last person on here that should be calling anyone stupid.

If you are referring to BUSH, he failed his tests to fly and was GROUNDED in his brief career in which he rarely showed up because he was on drugs. He went to yale and was near the bottom of the pool. His texas rangers were losers and still are losers. Every business W ran went to bankruptcy.

I on the other hand, have ran two business successfully. I have a college education, and I have never had to rely on drugs and alcohol to survive a day.

BUSH is a maroon, a professional idiot by the world standards. You can defend him all you wish, but its really silly.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Palin is not "well Polished?"


a junior college flunky, who had to go to 5 separate junior colleges to complete her education while banging black basketball players and you think she is smart?

The curve on your scale of educated must be a flat line.

So where is your college degree from? Please enlighten us.
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