Most politicians are, in fact, educated, yet, some behave as if they were not. Education doesn't denote qualification to be POTUS.
Politicians like all of us have been given what the greeks called a "enkuklios paideia" meaning a circular education. By its very nature it's limiting and little more than being bound by chains forced to watch the wall of the cave as in Plato's famous allegory. Your agenda is often not yours but the imprint of someone else.
Being given a standard set of facts without ever questioning and then learning to regurgitate those facts upon recall demand is education. But the attainment of knowledge "gnosis" is a whole other matter and IMO true knowledge begins when the individual seeks out the journey of being an autodidact. It's no irony that the latin word Liber is both the root word for library and liberty at the same time. Where can one find knowledge? In a book and what does knowledge give? Freedom.
The knowledge sought by the autodidact is not an action or result of grades as if advancing through some ancient mystery school thus wearing the mortar board upon completion to the master's satisfaction. Knowledge and the seeking of wisdom begins at birth and ends only at death. It is life's journey, a self journey if you will, which comes from everywhere that most people try and avoid it. I can understand that.
As the Oracle of Delphi maxim sez, Know Thyself!
That to me applies both to the inner self as well as the outer expanse.