10 point, lets be clear. POWELL was against the war from the jump and he has said so, but unfortunately, he was a part of the administration at the time, and he simply had to do what he was told to do.
Yes, did he speak about weapons of mass destruction? YES he did. Did he believe it? NO he didnt. Did he want a war in Iraq? NO he didnt. Furthering with "if we break it, we own it".
Its clear and the record is abundantly clear, that there were NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq prior to our invasion.
The war was a money making scheme and it cost us thousands of americans lives and over two hundred thousand iraqi civilians lives. The war cost us 3 trillion dollars and we accomplished nothing.
As for Powell, when he stepped down, the BUSH administration was quick to put Condoliar Rice in Powells place to carry on the scam. She had no problem speaking about chemical weapons and such, and she kept up the scam on the american people.
Those on the right wing bought into this lie wholeheartedly, and today, they still do. Just look at your posts, and OLDGRAY, and AV8, and REALBROWN. Your still convinced there was a justification for this war and the facts prove that there wasnt.
But, now, we are haunted by Powells words that "if we break it , we own it".
All we did was destroy the infrastructure of Iraq, leave it in poverty, install a puppet government with a leader who was friendly to us and Iran and bad for the people.
Now the country is living in the shambles that "WE" created by our "shock and awe".
Saddam, as a sunni, was a majority leader, but he had the country under control. There were no car bombings, no suicide bombings, no shootings and no religious factional shootings.
Yes, back under the reagan administration, with the help of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, the USA with Reagans approval, sent chemical weapons to Saddam to use on the iranian military, and he did. But, anyone above a 5 IQ knows that chemical weapons have a shelf life of less than 10 months, and saddam had those pesky kurds to deal with in the north.
Oil rich lands is what Saddam wanted, along with the help of the oil men of the USA.
So why not use the Chemical weapons on the kurds that the USA proudly gave to him? They authorized the use of the weapons in the first place.
Saddam used the USA chemical weapons on the kurds and killed approx 7500 people in two strikes. The number of people killed with our poison gas is always exaggerated by the right wing. I have heard near a million people killed with chemical weapons by right wing people.
Of course, that isnt true.
The war wasnt suppose to cost us any money, and we were sold ( by the bush administration) that OIL was going to come to the USA in exchange for our help.
Well, as of today, we get ZERO OIL from Iraq.
Lets be honest, the iraq war was a huge waste of money and soldiers lives, but isnt that the case with every war?