All Trash No Trailer
no need to as the entire post explains itself as a limpid pool of lies,half truths and made up figures.Care to expound on how it's rubbish?
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you and Moreluck should get along FAMOUSLY
no need to as the entire post explains itself as a limpid pool of lies,half truths and made up figures.Care to expound on how it's rubbish?
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Rubbish to him means telling him facts that he doesn't want to hear.Care to expound on how it's rubbish?
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We saw the MRI and the spine is definitely missing.He is another good example and I never voted for the guy but he at least had some humility. That is something our current POTUS is severely lacking.
Like he did in Benghazi.He's the president and your just posting on an internet blog. I think he's got you covered.
Insurance doesn't charge $10 for an aspirin, hospitals do, and the insurance pays for the aspirin.The irony here is that the 'single-payer' healthcare system we actually have in place, Medicare, has much more positive outcomes, lower costs overall, and just functions as it should.
I'm not sure what you mean, 'helping you through the rest of your life'...
Our current healthcare system is so riddled with overspending, multiple-insurance bloat, idiot redundancies, etc., and you're asking me if I think bigger government is the solution?
Are you telling me that less government in the healthcare system is working super-well?
When the insurance companies are charging you 10$ for an aspirin, that's not the governments fault.
When the government blocks regulation saying that Medicare can't bargain for drug prices, that's the governments fault.
You're asking me if I want someone to hold my hand, I'm asking you if you want corporations and insurance companies to dictate your health care options for you, and do a chitty job at it.
I love how everyone says that America is the best...unfortunately we're not the best at healthcare outcomes, and it's mostly due to our idiot system.
Yes, we should change the system, because our system sucks.
We pay too much as a country for healthcare, and we have inferior results.
The ACA could have been the start to a fix, but it's so bloated with industry and big-business hand-jobs and poor implementation, and it's not the answer.
On principle I agree with "market-forces", but I feel that some things don't belong in that realm, like healthcare.
And water-rights.
(Do you know that companies from France are buying the water supply from right under our feet? and that it's perfectly legal for them to do so? I don't think that's correct, and I think it's a matter of national security...)
By your stats Abraham Lincoln would have no chance if educational degrees were the mar.Palin is not "well Polished?"
a junior college flunky, who had to go to 5 separate junior colleges to complete her education while banging black basketball players and you think she is smart?
The curve on your scale of educated must be a flat line.
Ever notice the right wingers are like Pavlovian Dogs and shout BENGHAZI anytime Obama is mentioned. it's sad and funny at the same time.Like he did in Benghazi.
He's got you covered. Him and his AWOL Sec of State.
Ever notice the right wingers are like Pavlovian Dogs and shout BENGHAZI anytime Obama is mentioned. it's sad and funny at the same time.
What lies, what made up figures? Let's continue our discussion, you help me understand your reasoning and I'll do the same.no need to as the entire post explains itself as a limpid pool of lies,half truths and made up figures.
you and Moreluck should get along FAMOUSLY
So P.O.S., who is pulling her strings then?PSST, it wasnt her idea. She has been used for promotion and has made a ton of money by doing what she is told.
Dont give her credit for having a brain. She can only repeat what is put in front of her and when she has had the opportunity to speak her "OWN" mind with her "OWN" knowledge, she has screwed it up.
Remember her Paul Revere recollections??
I have read post after post of people on this forum LOUDLY claiming their perceived rights under the Second Amendment,yet when it comes to abortion they forget all about the rights protected by the Fourth,Fifth,Ninth Tenth and Fourteenth amendments .We saw the MRI and the spine is definitely missing.
The second thing missing was the heart and it was found missing by several tens of thousand unborn children.
I'm not a "right winger" so you can hold the mud but facing the murder of our folks and leaving them to die is wrong and as anti-American as you can get no matter WHO is the president.Ever notice the right wingers are like Pavlovian Dogs and shout BENGHAZI anytime Obama is mentioned. it's sad and funny at the same time.
just for you!I see you have no answer for that incompetence either.
I have read post after post of people on this forum LOUDLY claiming their perceived rights under the Second Amendment,yet when it comes to abortion they forget all about the rights protected by the Fourth,Fifth,Ninth Tenth and Fourteenth amendments .
you should get your news from credible news sourcesI'm not a "right winger" so you can hold the mud but facing the murder of our folks and leaving them to die is wrong and as anti-American as you can get no matter WHO is the president.
I believe in praying for whoever is in our leadership whether I like what the stand for or not.
This President is a challenge.
I'm not a "right winger" so you can hold the mud but facing the murder of our folks and leaving them to die is wrong and as anti-American as you can get no matter WHO is the president.
I believe in praying for whoever is in our leadership whether I like what the stand for or not.
This President is a challenge.
I dont get this whole "praying "concept. If God knows all, and has a plan for us all why would one want him/her to deviate from the Master Plan ?I believe in praying for those who pray for Obama.
Ever notice when Obama does something stupid it's bushes fault?Ever notice the right wingers are like Pavlovian Dogs and shout BENGHAZI anytime Obama is mentioned. it's sad and funny at the same time.
You are the last person on here that should be accusing anyone else of posting half-truths?no need to as the entire post explains itself as a limpid pool of lies,half truths and made up figures.
you and Moreluck should get along FAMOUSLY