Sarah Palin Says Independence Day Is For Remembering When Jesus Led The Revolution


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I don't have her tits either so what does that prove?

Accomplishments. Lol. You need to reavaluate your interpretation of the word.
I consider being college educated an accomplishment.
I consider being elected governor an accomplishment.
I consider being chosen as a V.P. nominee be a major political party an accomplishment.
I consider being paid lots of money to speak at private events an accomplishment.
What's wrong with MY definition of accomplishment?


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, abortion is a war on future women, or would have been women. Actually it's genocide.

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It is strange how Republicans and religious Right wingers fight so hard for the unborn, but once these kids are born they bitch and moan about paying for them and don't want to help the poor.

And people on the left are generally more prochoice but are actually philosophically more willing to help unwanted children that are poor and in need in this country.

So when Republicans like Dave Ramsey and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Fox news and Twitt Robme bitch CONSTANTLY about supporting all the supposed lazy poor people that have kids that they can't afford WHERE IS THE COMPASSION FOR THESE PEOPLE THAT ARE ACTUALLY BORN?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It is strange how Republicans and religious Right wingers fight so hard for the unborn, but once these kids are born they bitch and moan about paying for them and don't want to help the poor.

And people on the left are generally more prochoice but are actually philosophically more willing to help unwanted children that are poor and in need in this country.

So when Republicans like Dave Ramsey and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Fox news and Twitt Robme bitch CONSTANTLY about supporting all the supposed lazy poor people that have kids that they can't afford WHERE IS THE COMPASSION FOR THESE PEOPLE THAT ARE ACTUALLY BORN?
The parents should take care of their own kids. I take care of my own kids.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Sure he will.
Our nation is in more debt than ever.
Unemployment is high.
Welfare, food stamps and public housing assistance at all time highs.
Loss of standing in the eyes of the rest of the world.
Yep, worst president ever.


Well-Known Member
Check the latest polling data. It's Obama.

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Bush Invading Iraq based on a lie about weapons of mass destruction cannot be beat. Polls come and go.

If Obamacare works at all and it might? Obama will be the President that helped give America healthcare.

Obama was given a major recession and we are recovering from it.

History could easily place Obama as a great President. The Republican obstructionist will always be noted.

Bush just fricken blew his legacy by invading Iraq.


Well-Known Member
That is up there with Obama saying he visited all 57 states.
Funny, I don't remember you calling him stupid.

I don't think Sarah Palin is actually stupid. She is Quirky stupid and could not hold her own on 60 minutes or in a real high pressure interview.

I have seen Obama interviewed in many situations and he is a smart guy.

All people make mistakes. Palin was thrown into that situation overnight and she actually did pretty well.


Staff member
He is another good example and I never voted for the guy but he at least had some humility. That is something our current POTUS is severely lacking.
George Bush humble?! Oh, stop! There is not a politician alive who doesn't have an enormous ego and the higher the office, the bigger the ego. That goes for Bushes, Gores, Clintons, Kennedys, Reagans, and Obamas. It takes huge cajones to say, "I have what it takes to lead the most powerful nation the world has ever known.". It takes an even bigger lack of humility to believe it when others him/her. In time they learn it. Like Johnson not running for President again. Bush not pardoning Libby. Obama having no good options in Iraq/Syria. The one exception -- Clinton. He's an amazing specimen of self love. Crazy thing is that he wears it well.


nowhere special
George Bush humble?! Oh, stop! There is not a politician alive who doesn't have an enormous ego and the higher the office, the bigger the ego. That goes for Bushes, Gores, Clintons, Kennedys, Reagans, and Obamas. It takes huge cajones to say, "I have what it takes to lead the most powerful nation the world has ever known.". It takes an even bigger lack of humility to believe it when others him/her. In time they learn it. Like Johnson not running for President again. Bush not pardoning Libby. Obama having no good options in Iraq/Syria. The one exception -- Clinton. He's an amazing specimen of self love. Crazy thing is that he wears it well.

I can't seeing any humble man ever running for President. Clinton I would lump in with the majority but I wouldn't single him out as an exception.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I don't think Sarah Palin is actually stupid. She is Quirky stupid and could not hold her own on 60 minutes or in a real high pressure interview.

I have seen Obama interviewed in many situations and he is a smart guy.

All people make mistakes. Palin was thrown into that situation overnight and she actually did pretty well.

Obama doesn't fair so well without his teleprompter. I've never seen him do well in an interview where he has to speak from the heart instead of his teleprompter. When he does speak without his trusty electronic aid he is extremely hesitant and is clearly trying very very hard not to say the wrong thing instead of saying what he truly believes. That is also why he voted "present" so frequently as a senator. I simply cannot trust a man that speaks that way.
George Bush humble?! Oh, stop! There is not a politician alive who doesn't have an enormous ego and the higher the office, the bigger the ego. That goes for Bushes, Gores, Clintons, Kennedys, Reagans, and Obamas. It takes huge cajones to say, "I have what it takes to lead the most powerful nation the world has ever known.". It takes an even bigger lack of humility to believe it when others him/her. In time they learn it. Like Johnson not running for President again. Bush not pardoning Libby. Obama having no good options in Iraq/Syria. The one exception -- Clinton. He's an amazing specimen of self love. Crazy thing is that he wears it well.

There hasn't been a POTUS in our lifetime that's more arrogant, egotistic, and narcissist than Barrack Hussein Obama. Thats why when things don't go his way in Congress his behavior is that of a spoiled child and he masks it with condescending rhetoric in his interviews when asked about them. He talks down to those in Congress and their constituents that opposed him with a tone that indicates that he is wondering "How dare they??!!" He makes me sick.