satellite radio

Dutch Dawg

Well-Known Member
In spite of any original FCC intent I suspect a merger of one form or another will take place. It only requires lubing the wheel in the right place.

Both XM and Sirrius are reluctant to loose current subscribers at this time. I suspect their merger end value will in part be based on active subscriber numbers.

I mention all this cause a few at our building have all recently come up for XM renewal. They've all found polite telephone discussions with XM representatives at that time have resulted in deep discount$. The key seems to be you need mention you're disappointed in the recent loss of whatever channel and believe you're ready to walk away from XM at renewal.


Well-Known Member
Right now, it should be a matter of just personal taste. We had XM for a few yrs while on sleeper and it was a life-saver, BUT still only listened to a few select channels.

Took Brown run a few months ago and he had Sirius. It's got it's good and bad points too but still only listened to a few select channels.

A little humor:

When I first signed up for XM on sleeper, there was a glitch in the on-line procedure. Had to call. Lady went thru the hoops w/me and in the end asked if I would like to pay for Playboy channel. I said, "Maam, if I have to pay for anything related to sex, I want to be a participant!" She laughed so hard she almost had to hand off to supervisor.


Well-Known Member
Even though both companies are losing money right now, they still are gaining more and more subscribers every day so they're heading for the break-even point. And both companies recently said that neither is going out of business if the merger doesn't happen. I just don't think that a merger is in the public interest... it would leave no competition for the combined company, people would lose their jobs, and Sirius' superior programming would be compromised.

It's already been announced if the merger does not happen one is closing the doors... XM over paid Oprah for her channel and it did not help subscriptions... Oprah will work a total of 58.5 hours total for XM for $55 million?

Just do a search for "XM" "Merger" "Bankrupt" The articles are out there

Ms Spoken

Well-Known Member
In my truck I have been running the XM radio for almost 3 years. Well here is my new little problem. UPS just moved me out of my high stepper P8 and I'm now in a older/newer 700. I have no signal at all and the radio will flip stations when it wants to on it's own. Could the roof be my problem because this never happened in the old 800. My radio was custom built to fit on the dash but, still low enough to see over. There are two marine speakers on the top with a flex ant, car radio with xm built in, cig plug for cell phone or spot light, and a toggle switch if I need to kill power fast. If anyone has any idea on how to boost the signal I would love any ideas.
There are a few of us drivers that have XM and we had the mechanic hook up fender mount tractor radios w/ or w/o tape players in the pkg cars some are mounted in the floor(sprinters) and some above driver side door. I've wired my power line of the sat radio into that of the radio and attached antenna to the top of car and receive great reception even in the mtns of TN.

I prefer XM so I can listen to daytime baseball games.