Seasonal driver to permanent driver got benefits packet in mail today?!?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Lol where have you been? All of the red hats on this board use it to describe the gays, and everyone else who has evolved past cro magnon man uses it to describe people who act like all of the red hats on this board.
Lol where have you been? All of the red hats on this board use it to describe the gays, and everyone else who has evolved past cro magnon man uses it to describe people who act like all of the red hats on this board.
What is a "red hat". Could be showing my age by asking.


Well-Known Member
I'm a seasonal driver that wants a full time driver position, they are keeping some here. I just got a benefits packet in the mail to signup for..... Is that normal for a seasonal driver to get one of those at the end of the season? Ps. I'm off the street no preload
Truth be told, you'll be forgotten in a week . Good luck with your next gig.


Retired 23 years
If you got a benefits packet, then someone might have coded you as a permanent hire. I'm not saying you absolutely are permanent, someone may have made a mistake. You can clarify by asking your supervisor, or you can just keep your mouth shut and show up for work every day as though you were permanent.

This seems to be the best answer -- good luck.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Why would they hire someone off the street when the free hire period lasts until Jan 15th?

Maybe it’s understood that permanent status will come after the free period. Gotta get the ball rolling on the 22.4 underclass so it can be mentioned that cost cutting measures are underway during the Q4 earnings conference call.

Investors will want to hear that @Matt81 is doomed to a short overworked and underpaid UPS career.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it’s understood that permanent status will come after the free period. Gotta get the ball rolling on the 22.4 underclass so it can be mentioned that cost cutting measures are underway during the Q4 earnings conference call.

Investors will want to hear that @Matt81 is doomed to a short overworked and underpaid UPS career.
Oh yeah I forgot about the 22.4


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I'm a seasonal driver that wants a full time driver position, they are keeping some here. I just got a benefits packet in the mail to signup for..... Is that normal for a seasonal driver to get one of those at the end of the season? Ps. I'm off the street no preload




Sorry you couldn’t cut it

Ffs why would any of
Us know?

Methods Man

Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me when I started as a seasonal driver. Unfortunately don’t get your hopes up, they coded you wrong and your benefits that were sent to you by mistake won’t ever become activated. Hopefully they hire you in after the seasonal period is over though. Hope this helps, goodluck.

Heavy Package

Well-Known Member
I just got a benefits packet in the mail to signup for..... Is that normal for a seasonal driver to get one of those at the end of the season?

Yes - All seasonal drivers get a benefits package in the mail. UPS pays for your exit medical exam to include a free colonoscopy and hernia check.