Tos seems to believe that if we all feel sorry for all victims of crime --problem resolved.
Wishes to ignore the Root cause Problems : Children out of wedlock -no family unit-no accountability. Dropping out of School --no desire to educate yourself. High abuse of Drugs and alcohol. A welfare system, excuse me Entitlement system that allows this wasted lifestyle Generation after Generation. The idolization of violent Rappers that disrespect women, law enforcement and worship violence. All problems that The so called Black Leaders Sharpton and Jackson should be addressing.
When Herman Cane, Colonel West, Dineen Borrelli or even Bill Cosby bring attention to this --they are ridiculed. Lets just continue to "feel " sorry for everyone ????? Lets waste another Generation of young Black men going to prison --as TOS sees it ---It is just the "system" or wacko Racists.
My problem with your post is your "magnetic pull" to equate only blacks as the problem. Reading between your carefully scripted lines, your animous for blacks shows.
Heres a little problem with your argument.
Look, unlike the indians, America cannot look the other way after it created the largest nation of ghettos on the planet. With the Indians, america placed them into nowhere land, supplied them with cigarettes, booze and drugs and then walked away and ignored them.
They tried the same thing with minorities. Socially herding them into communities of similiar races, then attempting to ignore them as if they would just die away, as they intended for the indians. To some degree, it worked with the indians and they did indeed die off to a quiet minority, but with blacks and hispanics, they didnt die off and fade away.
They are growing at a rate faster than the "white" establishment could ever dream of. "white" america created the very problem you hate today. Thats right, I said WHITE AMERICA created the poor and impoverished.
IF this country hadnt waited until 1964 to desegregate schools and the workplace, you would have generations of successful blacks among us today. Instead, you have a race and a culture that is at least 3 generations behind white america. The trend is turning and blacks and hispanics are assimilating, but thats what white america and the right wing fears.
The last thing the right would like to see is another Barack Obama running the country.
As this nation "socially herded" minorities to inner city ghettos ( and keep in mind I grew up in one) they also took out all the manufacturing in those cities, all the mid size businesses left in a little something called WHITE FLIGHT. When things started to go wrong in these ghettos, minorities attempted to move outward to the suburbs in hopes of finding a new life, only to be turned back by white america and forced back into the ghettos in which they tried to escape.
Once stuck there without jobs, without decent schools, without decent infrastructure, things started to decay, but the people still had to survive. Drugs then became the way to make money, and for white america, they didnt care much because as long as the minorities were getting high and killing themselves ( like the indians) there was nothing to worry about.
AS time passes, social problems are created and having children became a way to support ones self. It got to the point where it was exploited, and things have to change. My mother had 6 kids, all of us grew up on a measly 1200 a month. That had to pay for rent, food, clothes and entertainment. It doesnt go far and we learned to sacrifice. Without a father in the picture who was busy living his own life after ditching us, that 1200 a month was a godsend.
We grew up poor, but assimilated into society and went to school including college. Today, We are all on our own rasing our own families without the help of the goverment.
What needs to change ISLAND is the perception, like yours, that blacks are a lost cause, and that they should be left at the side of the road because they cant keep up. YOU have to remember that they had to keep up being over 200 years behind!
There will always be poor people in this country for one reason or the other. There will NEVER be a time where everyone in the USA will have the perfect life.
Our role as americans should always be to help one another no matter what. If we dont, and all we do is collect guns and look out for ourselves, then we will become SOMALIA.