Senior Beatings and Murder


Strength through joy
Sounds like you have had the "black" experience. eh? Do you think Black americans felt the same way prior to 1964 when they walked down a street and ended up hanging from a tree?

Sounds like you got the better deal, I havent seen any white people hanging from trees.



try....Borderland Beat
They still hang people, and behead them , too.


Well-Known Member


Staff member
It is not what goes into you (what others do) that defiles you but what comes from you (what you do).-- Jesus (I think)


Inordinately Right

They probably did it because he was white. Or maybe they did it because they are black......

Wait why do you find it necessary to say they are black.....?

This is the Headline from the original news outlet KLXY:
WWII vet, beaten by teens outside Eagles Lodge, dies

This is the headline from your racist right wing news outlet WeaselZippers:
89-Year-Old WWII Veteran Beaten To Death By Two Black Teens…

SEE THE DIFFERENCE?.....Subtle Racism, so pathetic.


golden ticket member
They probably did it because he was white. Or maybe they did it because they are black......

Wait why do you find it necessary to say they are black.....?

This is the Headline from the original news outlet KLXY:
WWII vet, beaten by teens outside Eagles Lodge, dies

This is the headline from your racist right wing news outlet WeaselZippers:
89-Year-Old WWII Veteran Beaten To Death By Two Black Teens…

SEE THE DIFFERENCE?.....Subtle Racism, so pathetic.
Neither is inaccurate..................the man was beaten and the man is dead.
Who did it.................??????? Some sources are more descriptive than others. Your source says that the teens were African American too....... Its part of the who,what where, when why & how.


nowhere special
What is your issue with comments section? Anyone can write a comment whether liberal or conservative and has nothing to do with the article itself which is what I posted.


Inordinately Right
What is your issue with comments section? Anyone can write a comment whether liberal or conservative and has nothing to do with the article itself which is what I posted.

So no, you don't have a reputable news source that finds it necessary to mention they are black in the headline?

The comments go to explain the headline. The headline includes subtle racism specifically meant to get more views by right wing conservatives by appealing to certain people's bigotry, and oversimplification of the crime issue this nation has.


nowhere special
Only racist in your opinion. The attackers were black and reporting that fact is not racist. You didn't like moreluck's news source so I posted another one. You just don't want to admit any source you don't like is reputable.


Inordinately Right
Only racist in your opinion. The attackers were black and reporting that fact is not racist. You didn't like moreluck's news source so I posted another one. You just don't want to admit any source you don't like is reputable.

Your not posting news sources man, you're posting news aggregate sites.... They read reputable news sources, and twist the headlines and stories to get the most views possible. Some are right wing, some are left wing.

I know you're not blatantly racist, and I know you don't even realize the places you're getting your news from are shoving subtle racism down your throat..... I now also know it's a waste of time to point it out to you, because you don't care. A ww2 veteran was murdered, end of story.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
There is no outcry from the mainstream liberal media because deep down they think that these white victims deserved what they got. Remember that even while liberals hate while people.


golden ticket member
Your not posting news sources man, you're posting news aggregate sites.... They read reputable news sources, and twist the headlines and stories to get the most views possible. Some are right wing, some are left wing.

I know you're not blatantly racist, and I know you don't even realize the places you're getting your news from are shoving subtle racism down your throat..... I now also know it's a waste of time to point it out to you, because you don't care. A ww2 veteran was murdered, end of story.
A myriad of reporters bring back news stories to a major news corp..........that's an aggregate news source too.


Strength through joy
How about his..
We start a new thread that involves black on white crimes .
I'd like to see how wide spread this really is .
I want all apple picking , knockdown game , polar bear hunting , etc.
(I find it rather odd that they have picked such cute names for their crimes. )
So everyone check out your local news sources and post what you find , ok .