So our centers seniority list has been messed up because whoever was keeping the dates posted just did not put in accurate info. Labor and our union rep have gotten involved to fix it, but they are telling me that the driver below me in seniority will be now above me because he was an off the street hire and his hiring date was before my driving seniority date. They claim that California law states that they are considered full time hires as of employment and to receive the benefits of being a full time employee. So they are claiming that he gets seniority before he even went to Intergrad! If the dates they have for his hire date is correct, he was hired the day before my first intergrad class, and didn’t have his first working day until after my first 30 days. I don’t think this is right as our local union contract even has rules for off the street hires having a 10 day packet and 30 day probation period before getting seniority, and I can’t find any California labor laws over seniority that would rule in that favor. I’ve even asked my union rep as to what law he is referring to and he never gave me an answer. Any help or advice?