hah, I don't even vote liberal. But, even conservatives bring in social programs, just like the rest of the Western Countries.
Canada is far less social then Europe.
But, ofcourse I do catch American news here, probably from a whole different , neutral prospective, then those watching fox.
Us, western countries, (europe and Canada), realize you can't have a heathly econonmy with a huge amount of poverty (USA must have the highest rate of poverty and child poverty, per capita, among the industrialized countries).
And , if there is a social net, to get these people productive again. There is nothing wrong with that.
And I find it very intrugend that some of you won't allow thier children to watch Obama (the leader of thier country to speak to them).
When they are grown up, they won't be able to vote for him anyways.
It would be like telling canadian kids they can't go see the queen when she comes to visit.