During the Presidential debates --Obama made it very clear to Hillary that He was "VERY" interested in the successful charter school in D.C. for minorities and knew the woman who ran the school very well.
After he was elected {certainly not due to union pressure for all the money they contributed
} He immediately cut funding for the successful school-sending the poor children back into the failing public system and then immediately enrolled his daughter's into a very white,rich private school that most Americans cannot afford!!!!
It reminds me of a few years back when then Teachers union President Albert Schanker stated that he would be interested in children and their education ---only after they started paying union dues.
Because of Union Pressure --a strong LOBBY --our schools are failing. They continue to rant about smaller class size and more[DUES PAYING} teachers. Anyone with a little COMMON SENSE would realize that not only are the children of today COMPUTER LITERATE -they are motivated and inspired by technology.
With computer based training --the great TEACHERS could be paid alot more and the computer classes could be monitered by people who claim they cannot find jobs and receive a decent salary and benefit package.
Of course a plan like this makes TOO MUCH sense---and because of special interests groups the education system and the children will continue to suffer. CBT TRAINING --NOT THE FUTURE --NOW !!!