It seems as though name calling is allowed by some people.
So much for rules being equally applied at BC.
It appears someone may be a tad miffed.
It seems as though name calling is allowed by some people.
So much for rules being equally applied at BC.
It is against the TOS, as I've been politely reminded. As far as the avatar, it seems to sum up all the concerns you, and your cohorts have expressed about our duly elected leader.
Diesel 96'
As you stated --your hangup. There are many American's who are not "Bush" deserting Republican's.
If the Liberal press will let you --you will see that T party Americans are DEMS,REPUBS and Ind --but most of all Americans who are tired of the wasteful spending of our politicians. Since you like to classify people --I will classify you --you are an Obama Kool Aid drinker ----enjoy it until even the Kool aid will be taxed out of you range .
Personally I am sick of the Kool AID drinkers on both sides .
If you cannot see OBAMA is not change but just a typical Lobby loving,special interest group politician there is nothing else to be said.
How much better our great country would and could be ----if any Politician truly did what he said he would and not care about the Lobbies.
Lets see Obama today ---AFL-CIO -----CHECKMATE !!!!
The unions always have and always will prevent true change to our primary education system !!!
And I thought that the Pope was.
Funny, it was reported that teddy K read to school children on a regular schedule and everyone said that was a good thing, but Bush did it and it was a national disgrace. So explain to me how come a drunken killer is better at reading to children ?
If in turn you refer to the mainstream press as liberal...that's a typical republican defensive posture...in fact most statements possessing labling, stero-typing, mis-information, union bashing typo's with-out any factual evidense get filed in the purely emotional opinion section.
I see you refer to Tea Baggers .....
Wrong on both assumptions; Babaganoush did not post anything.Hmmm, very interesting question BABAGANOUSH...
Here's my answer:
You must be referring to LAURA BUSH, who while driving drunk as a teen killed a person, then went on to become the first lady and read to many children in classrooms for 8 drastic years.
I am sure this is what you are talking about.
I really want to delete that photo because of the horror that hitler reigned,you comparing him to Obama is a stretch.I think you are just trying to sell the t shirts.
Is not the term "Tea Baggers" a typical democrat defensive posture?
I feel the term says a lot more about the person using it than the people they're trying to label.
I'm glad the school speech flap is past. Much to do about nothing.
Wrong on both assumptions; Babaganoush did not post anything.
And I wasn't referring to L bush but to Fatboy Kennedy.
Kind of late you showing up for this topic,tos.
been hiding under another name ?
From the Conservative handbook......when losing an argument drum up Teddy "the murderer" into play....If all else fails, throw the kitchen sink at the opposition, the Clintons, Pelosi, Reid and Frank.....
"When a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack or be lost... All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright maroon."
- H.L. Mencken
You might want to step back a bit Klein, you're becoming too emotionally invested in your big dumb southern neighborYou don't even know how stupid this looked worldwide. School closures, or pulling kids out of school.
For no good reason, other then (let you fill in the blanks)..
And, I'm wondering what these countries are thinking that you are invading (Afgans and Iraqis)... they must wonder now why are you even there ?
Fighting for what ? A president, a country leader that we don't trust ?
We had that for years. What change do you want us to do ?
I seen a news article yesterday. The world wants to get out of the American currency for buying commodities, and is working on a new global currency to replace it.
Good luck with your stubbornness, where absoultely no change is welcome, by either side.
But, that's good for another thread, kinda like the UPS one :
Will the USA ever be the same as we know it ?
My answer is NO !
You might want to step back a bit Klein, you're becoming too emotionally invested in your big dumb southern neighbor