Sept 8th Presidental Address to children across America

fact check

Well-Known Member
Bush & Reagan only gave a talk, not an accompanying lesson plan and that's where the objection lies.

Now some schools are saying there will be a punishment for kids who don't attend.

So what's the deal....if you discover you have swine flu, just go to school that day or risk punishment ???

Is this the lesson plan you find so offensive?

Reagan only gave a talk? Did you watch the video? Reagan advocated tax cuts, and lied in his response to the child. He put us further in debt than and president since Bush II.

Have you read the transcript of the speech that has you up in arms?

Honestly, what's the problem here? I just don't see it.


golden ticket member
The fact that you don't see is why we keep our eyes pealed.

I stated that "that's where the objection lies"....I don't recall saying "I objected."

I don't care to read the transcript of his speech, just like the Dems. don't care to read 1000 pages of a bill they want to pass so fast!

I think the next piece of business will be a review of all the czars (30 or so) that B.O. has appointed. Three times the number more than Bush did.
Folks will be looking for "radicals" among them.

Someone mentioned the Science Czar and maybe something about forced abortions and forced sterilization to make the world more comfortable & roomy for the rest of us. That needs to be investigated further before I judge that.

I see an interesting few months ahead. Exciting, if nothing else. :happy2:


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
My wife sometimes works as a substitute teacher in the local school system. In the last election, the grade school teachers were making the kids draw Obama campaign posters. Too bad they can't actually teach them to read and write and have no control in their classrooms. No indoctrination going on here...........

fact check

Well-Known Member
The fact that you don't see is why we keep our eyes pealed.

I stated that "that's where the objection lies"....I don't recall saying "I objected."

I don't care to read the transcript of his speech, just like the Dems. don't care to read 1000 pages of a bill they want to pass so fast!

I think the next piece of business will be a review of all the czars (30 or so) that B.O. has appointed. Three times the number more than Bush did.
Folks will be looking for "radicals" among them.

Someone mentioned the Science Czar and maybe something about forced abortions and forced sterilization to make the world more comfortable & roomy for the rest of us. That needs to be investigated further before I judge that.

I see an interesting few months ahead. Exciting, if nothing else. :happy2:
"Hi, I'm a poster on the Current Events Forum at Browncafe, and I get my facts from Alex Jones."

I heard something about Glenn Beck raping and murdering an underaged girl in 1990. That needs to be investigated. He hasn't denied it.


Staff member
"Hi, I'm a poster on the Current Events Forum at Browncafe, and I get my facts from Alex Jones."

I heard something about Glenn Beck raping and murdering an underaged girl in 1990. That needs to be investigated. He hasn't denied it.
And has anyone seen his birth certificate? Or his college grades? What's he hiding?


golden ticket member
"Hi, I'm a poster on the Current Events Forum at Browncafe, and I get my facts from Alex Jones."

I heard something about Glenn Beck raping and murdering an underaged girl in 1990. That needs to be investigated. He hasn't denied it.

Why don't you make it your life's ambition to find the truth on this. :sick:


golden ticket member
Quit spreading lies......

Internet Hoax Says Glenn Beck Raped, Murdered Young Girl in 1990

Thursday September 3, 2009
Via Mediaite: A baseless rumor insinuating that Fox News pundit Glenn Beck may be guilty of rape and murder is spreading rapidly online thanks to a loose-knit gang of Internet pranksters whose stated mission is to skewer the bombastic talk show host using his own methods.
Their exploits are chronicled on a two-day-old website.

"This site exists to try and help examine the vicious rumour that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990," reads a blurb at the top of the home page. "Why won't Glenn Beck deny these allegations?"
Don't miss the fine print at the bottom:
Notice: This site is parody/satire. We assume Glenn Beck did not rape and murder a young girl in 1990, although we haven't yet seen proof that he didn't. But we think Glenn Beck definitely uses tactics like this to spread lies and misinformation.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

Internet trolls:

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional or disciplinary response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.



I really admire just how principled you democrats and republicans are. No wonder the country is friend'd UP!

We can't all possess your superior intellect. If we did then the mountains would be full of us government hating moonshiners.


Well-Known Member
:sad-little:Diesel 96'
As you stated --your hangup. There are many American's who are not "Bush" deserting Republican's.
If the Liberal press will let you --you will see that T party Americans are DEMS,REPUBS and Ind --but most of all Americans who are tired of the wasteful spending of our politicians. Since you like to classify people --I will classify you --you are an Obama Kool Aid drinker ----enjoy it until even the Kool aid will be taxed out of you range .
Personally I am sick of the Kool AID drinkers on both sides .
If you cannot see OBAMA is not change but just a typical Lobby loving,special interest group politician there is nothing else to be said.
How much better our great country would and could be ----if any Politician truly did what he said he would and not care about the Lobbies.
Lets see Obama today ---AFL-CIO -----CHECKMATE !!!!
The unions always have and always will prevent true change to our primary education system !!!:dissapointed:

fact check

Well-Known Member

Internet trolls:

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional or disciplinary response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.


Wow, seems to fit a long time poster known for their 'cut & paste' posts to a tee.

Tossing some irrelevant, obscure dig about a 'science czar' into a discussion on tomorrow's speech would fit that definition.
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Für Meno :)
Wow, seems to fit a long time poster known for their 'cut & paste' posts to a tee.

Tossing some irrelevant, obscure dig about a 'science czar' into a discussion on tomorrow's speech would fit that definition.

Nope,WKmac has it right.
America can't get anything established, because of your 2 party system.
You got probably 40% dems, and 40% reps, that just won't budge.
10% on eachother side will.

And that setback, you have, is self-destructrive.

The "Empire" mighty USA has fallen, and no way to get it back.
Not, unless you all work together.

Would be nice just to see you get a trade-surplus once.
Would be nice, not to spend double the amount on healthcare, then all other G8 countries.
Would be nice, if you could all think of the country and the children, grandchildren first, instead of your current well being, and loyalty just to one party.
Because, believe me or not, a country and your life, is like Wall Street.
If there is no positive future ahead, and no one can turn things around.
Then, the USA won't belong in the market, anymore.

This might sound harsh, but Canada doesn't need a Mexico south of it's boarder !

Get together and work it out ! Don't be stubborn.


Nine Lives
Nope,WKmac has it right.
America can't get anything established, because of your 2 party system.
You got probably 40% dems, and 40% reps, that just won't budge.
10% on each other side will.

Actually the polls say the breakdown is 30% Dems and Pubs and 40 Independents.


Für Meno :)
Actually the polls say the breakdown is 30% Dems and Pubs and 40 Independents.

I honestly took that number out of the blue.
But, hopefully made a point.

Looks like Canada is going for the 3rd election within 3 years.
Because, of a miniorty government.
No one wants one.
Happy as it is, and the outcome won't be any different.
Waste of taxpayers money, thats all.

Whole different system here, but we all need to work together.
And, that actually seems to work well.

And once, election is over. Then it's done here.
We talk politics before and during an election, maybe a bit afterwards.
But, the best man/woman won. And , we live with it.
We ousted a majority, ruling, government party in the 90's down to only 2 seats before (we switch) !

Politicains visit schools here often.
Only, because we need them to get interessted in voting, and poiltics.
It's a shame, teenagers and young people have the lowest voter turn out.
And countrywide, it's just 50-60%.
People are dying around the world for voting rights, and we take it for granted, and don't even use it.

If people want to pull thier kids out of school tomorrow, rather have them play video games, so be it.
These same kids , may wonder why that was done to me, one day , though.
And, eventually, they will have thier own rights.


Staff member
It seems as though name calling is allowed by some people.

So much for rules being equally applied at BC.

C'mon Fact Check! You're a brand new member with a Hitler avatar complaining about someone who's never even seen you calling you fat. Are you really offended????

Any chance you'd get rid of that avatar? It really does offend me.

fact check

Well-Known Member
C'mon Fact Check! You're a brand new member with a Hitler avatar complaining about someone who's never even seen you calling you fat. Are you really offended????

Any chance you'd get rid of that avatar? It really does offend me.

It is against the TOS, as I've been politely reminded. As far as the avatar, it seems to sum up all the concerns you, and your cohorts have expressed about our duly elected leader.