No It's not green grocer!
Would you expect a supervisor or division manager to have that trait in their arsenal as well? Would you allow a management person to "blow up" at the right time?
I bet you wouldnt. Be a professional. Blowing up is what someone does when they dont have the right answer.
Behind closed doors I have been blown up at by more than one management person. We are passionate about our beliefs and show it at times. At the end of the day we all know it's not personal and have a fine professional working relationship. I have been worked up enough to raise my voice on several occasions. All the management people in my building know that I don't take **** from anyone. Not saying they are scared, just saying they know I stand up for whats right and they are not going to push me around or intimidate me. Behind closed doors, while representing a member I have the same rank as the highest ranking management personnel. They know I am aware of that right and that they are not my bosses in there. That works to my advantage at times. When we leave the room, I know who the boss is and work 100% as instructed.