Shop steward not doing anything


No It's not green grocer!
Would you expect a supervisor or division manager to have that trait in their arsenal as well? Would you allow a management person to "blow up" at the right time?

I bet you wouldnt. Be a professional. Blowing up is what someone does when they dont have the right answer.


Behind closed doors I have been blown up at by more than one management person. We are passionate about our beliefs and show it at times. At the end of the day we all know it's not personal and have a fine professional working relationship. I have been worked up enough to raise my voice on several occasions. All the management people in my building know that I don't take **** from anyone. Not saying they are scared, just saying they know I stand up for whats right and they are not going to push me around or intimidate me. Behind closed doors, while representing a member I have the same rank as the highest ranking management personnel. They know I am aware of that right and that they are not my bosses in there. That works to my advantage at times. When we leave the room, I know who the boss is and work 100% as instructed.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Behind closed doors I have been blown up at by more than one management person. We are passionate about our beliefs and show it at times. At the end of the day we all know it's not personal and have a fine professional working relationship. I have been worked up enough to raise my voice on several occasions. All the management people in my building know that I don't take **** from anyone. Not saying they are scared, just saying they know I stand up for whats right and they are not going to push me around or intimidate me. Behind closed doors, while representing a member I have the same rank as the highest ranking management personnel. They know I am aware of that right and that they are not my bosses in there. That works to my advantage at times. When we leave the room, I know who the boss is and work 100% as instructed.


I hate to grade your response, but I have to give you a FAIL.

I asked you to comment on the possibility of management blowing up on us "at the right time" as a tool in their arsenal. I wonder if you believe that would ok for a member of management to blow up on employees when they thought it was useful.

Still waiting for you to address that point.



Well if you know your contract in and out you should know when your steward elections are and wouldnt have to ask here.....
Just Sayin....

Beings I knew nothing of us voting for our steward bc it is not in our contract, that I know in and out, I did my research...he was appointed. we dont have an election...just saying...thanks though, that should make you go hmmmm


12 years and our steward tries to convince drivers not to fille were close

I think your a new hirer, maybe 2 to 3 years on the job, not getting your way, senority guys bumping you around, and your not happy, Tell me if and and close. .
If not than state your case why you are tired of the bs.

If you are not liked with your drivers you have no shot,


Well-Known Member
Beings I knew nothing of us voting for our steward bc it is not in our contract, that I know in and out, I did my research...he was appointed. we dont have an election...just saying...thanks though, that should make you go hmmmm
Check you Local's by-laws. This is where the Steward information is for my Local. Our Stewards are "elected" and/or "appointed".


Here is an example of what I am talking about. A steward has to remain rational at all times and not get emotionally involved. You said this in another thread about a subject.

"are yall retarded? maybe they should call you at 3 am to come work...why do you punch in if you are always to do as instructed??? "

This is the kind of irrational thought process that a steward cannot have. The thread was talking about END OF SHIFT reassignment and you post this about START TIME adjustments.

This isnt the recipe for good stewardship.

In the other scenario, there isnt enough info to make a rational decision or give advice on. We dont know if the driver was instructed to wait until he was cleared by the pm sups to punch out, or if he was told by the pm sups to stay on the clock. There isnt enough information to make a determination.

Regardless, while in the building in the PM, if you are a lower seniority driver and there is extra work, you dont have a choice, you get the work. LOW MAN goes, its the rule of seniority. We dont send out senior drivers so a lower seniority man can go home. NOT IN MY HUB.

We dont know the seniority of the person in question who posted the story.

In the meantime, you cant give advice on the issue. Many have, and all of them are WRONG.

FACTS first, then decisions. We dont make decisions and HOPE the facts fit.

Learn the difference, and stay within the guidelines of the discussion. The sentence I posted clearly shows you cannot.


"are yall retarded" was about being instructed to work OFF the clock as I stated...I should have put "can u read"? Thats a start to stewardship...thanks for your input...I will have to discuss with steward and my coworkers to see what direction we can collectively go.


dont get so emotional...I just wanted info on becoming our shop steward...some had useful info and some cant read or interpret simple english...thats why I love yall!


No It's not green grocer!

I hate to grade your response, but I have to give you a FAIL.

I asked you to comment on the possibility of management blowing up on us "at the right time" as a tool in their arsenal. I wonder if you believe that would ok for a member of management to blow up on employees when they thought it was useful.

Still waiting for you to address that point.


Do you think that we as Stewards are in a different catagory than others when behind closed doors? I told you what I think about that. If your asking if I believe its OK for management to blow up at an hourly then the answer is no.

By the way I could care less about what you think.


No It's not green grocer!
Beings I knew nothing of us voting for our steward bc it is not in our contract, that I know in and out, I did my research...he was appointed. we dont have an election...just saying...thanks though, that should make you go hmmmm

The way Stewards are apointed or elected is in the Local Union bylaws. Not in the contract. I would think a good Steward would know that. That is something they should know as welll as if not better than the contract.