Show up to work bonus


Well-Known Member
Guess who might not be getting the show up every day on time bonus after August 1st. I guess big brown is thinking they will be mad and vote yes. To bad many will quit before the ballot gets out. Who thinks we will vote before peak season
I don't know what that means. @Time for change the union is necessary to have a dependable job at UPS. They will treat you like a machine and if we didn't have the union, you'd just to be tossed out and replaced the moment you get wear and tear.
Yea most the union leaders are old white guys. Hoffa, Taylor....time are changing geezers....a wave is coming. I’m sure most of you are laughing but take a look around, and I will be full force ahead on my pursuit of meaningful change if this contract passes as is. IBT should be very careful with the part time work force, would be very easy to flip a large percentage to non union and their bedfellow would probably kick them right out of bed. UPS will survive but not the union. Just saying it’s not wise at this point in history to alienate that much of the workforce.
So Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would’ve negotiated a better deal for us?


Well-Known Member
I think some people need a touch of reality here....without the union (my state you can be fired for no reason) they would/could fire guys who hit top pay and replace with a new, younger and more motivated driver for less than half the pay. I'm glad the union exists for job-security.....

I don't know how people accuse UPS of being racist...I'm in the south and it's pretty close to 50/50....

Did I just witness someone claiming they don't fear losing their job bc they are a black female? What happened to women and minorities not having the same opportunities? I'm baffled.

I don't care too much about the interests of part timers bc I feel after x amount if years they should have driven themselves to go full time but maybe it's much different in other areas? I was military before so I've always thought of UPS similar to the Army...start with the :censored2: job and :censored2: pay but do the time and it pays off "bigly"


Well-Known Member
since most union people say it’s just fine, what happens with this right to work wave and the company paying non union workers more. That’s the problem when you say negotiated wages are a minimum and nothing can be done about bonuses and the company can pay whoever they want, whatever they want. How long would it take the union to get off their ass on that one?
I don"t know about everywhere but in my right to work state, the company is obligated to treat every employee as if they're union. My steward told me I wasn't required to join the union, I still had the same protections regardless. I signed up anyway.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
No it’s just the reality that I do my job very well and if they fire me unjustly in a mostly white male building, there will be obvious issues there. All depends on when you were hired and your life circumstances, some have worked at ups for well over 10 years with zero chances to go full time. Others get hired off the street or work 6 months pt and walk into a full time job. PT at UPS has regressed terribly since the 80’s

Time for change

Well-Known Member
Those idiots Sharpton and Jackson probably would have negotiated a better contract . But honestly I would have preferred a younger, more educated, less corrupt, and principled negotiator. Our negotiator is a complete joke.


Well-Known Member
Those idiots Sharpton and Jackson probably would have negotiated a better contract . But honestly I would have preferred a younger, more educated, less corrupt, and principled negotiator. Our negotiator is a complete joke.

Idk what they even negotiated tbh. It's all concessions. The company wanted to increase part time wages because they've been having horrrible turn around and giving out hiring bonuses. Union didn't fight for anything. 5.50 increase in the starting wage, no catch up raises given to current part timers, removal of progression. The 22.4 jobs help UPS more than anybody . No 9.5 protection for 22.4 jobs and no guarantee on inside work. Dismissal of part timers based on scan %'s.

They need to start showing what takes place in these meetings


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Idk what they even negotiated tbh. It's all concessions. The company wanted to increase part time wages because they've been having horrrible turn around and giving out hiring bonuses. Union didn't fight for anything. 5.50 increase in the starting wage, no catch up raises given to current part timers, removal of progression. The 22.4 jobs help UPS more than anybody . No 9.5 protection for 22.4 jobs and no guarantee on inside work.

They need to start showing what takes place in these meetings
i need a bonus and a good rub down


Well-Known Member
There's also no protection from things like hiring bonuses so who's to say years from now they won't be giving 100-150 attendance bonuses on top of the 15.00 an hour starting wage. This won't be given to senior employees.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how people accuse UPS of being racist...I'm in the south and it's pretty close to 50/50....

I'm in the north and its the same. At my center management is literally even, 50% white/50% black. Preloaders are a good mix of all ethnic backgrounds, from Asian/Pacific Islander to blacks whites and Native Americans. As for drivers, the majority are white guys but I don't attribute that to any type of hiring bias when the Human Resources worker that interviewed me (and i'm guessing played an important roll in hiring me) was a middle aged black woman. Many of the newer white drivers here were brought in by her too.

There is no way UPS is a racially biased company, let alone straight up racist. I've also heard people accusing UPS of being sexist because there are very few female drivers. In my center there are only three female drivers. There are more females in management here than all other positions. Most of the clerks here are female too. I just think UPS hires the most qualified people they can who apply. Its not their fault that a lot of women don't want to be package delivery drivers.


Retired 23 years

There is no way UPS is a racially biased company, let alone straight up racist. I've also heard people accusing UPS of being sexist because there are very few female drivers. In my center there are only three female drivers. There are more females in management here than all other positions. Most of the clerks here are female too. I just think UPS hires the most qualified people they can who apply. Its not their fault that a lot of women don't want to be package delivery drivers.

I saw a lot of women drivers hired and also a lot of them quit. Not because they couldn't handle the work but because they wanted to have a better family life and see their kids grow up. (Women are strange that way) Also because their pusillanimous husbands wanted them home to make his supper.
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