Family Leave Fridays!!!
I don't know what the sickness paradigm is, there. ... A lot of places of employment mandate that you stay home if you're contagious, since you'll ultimately decrease productivity by getting other people sick.
UPSers (employee website) indicates that we should always stay home if we're sick (contagious, decreased productivity) but local management will harass you pretty much anytime you call in. Our facility calculates an average call-in rate annually and uses it as a baseline in issuing discipline. For 2014, it's 6 "occurrences" within a 9-month period. An occurrence means that if you're our for one-week with the flu and provide a doctor's note, it counts as just one occurrence. But if you start racking up the doctor's notes, they refer you to their doctors.
So in other words ... if you're a PTer who's obtained seniority, the attendance policy is pretty loose. The only people I've ever seen fired for attendance had 30 or more call-ins per year. Really.
It may be rude, but I'm not burning a sick day just because I have a cold and may be contagious...
I'd bet that 90% or more of your co-workers feel the same way ... which is why we get an extra week of vacation instead of sick days here.