Skipping Lunch

Brown Assassin

Underpaid for too long
We can't get new full time jobs if people are skipping lunch. 8 drivers who skip lunch costs somebody a full time job with benefits for their family.

I see your point, but given the special case this individual has, there is no need to screw him out of 5 hrs pay, especially since it was going on for so many years.

That's the thing with UPS......something will be working flawlessly, something that bothers no one, doesn't cost anyone anything, and then BAM.....some manager gets the bright idea to change it all up. And in the end, is it any better than it was?

I'm all for change where it is needed.....that is what has made Brown so successful and rich for so long. But certain case, like how people are treated, it gets sketchy at times.


Well-Known Member
We always had thirty minute lunches on the west coast. I can't understand why anyone would want an hour lunch unless they always ate in a restaurant.


Staff member
Nobody wants the hour lunch. It is beneficial to UPS, because that's an hour later they can keep you out there (at no cost) to make later pickups, etc.


Well-Known Member
Many of us want the hour to rest, and make important phone calls to Dr, school, mechanic, etc etc In the south we want that hour in the middle of the day to get out of the 95-100 degree and cool down in the a/c.


Well-Known Member
But that is an excellent idea for the next contract that it is solely up to the driver hour, 1/2 hour, or nothing if we want to go home early then only deduct what is taken!


Well-Known Member
i always liked the hour lunch myself, gave me time to sit and relax and eat.
besides guys who skip their lunch now are still going to skip lunch even if it was reduced to a 1/2 hour. and how do you think UPS will fill that extra half hour? you know you'll get more work to do. and you'll still be out late.


Speed, you're lucky the center team allows you to do that.

I agree that they can't change your time in the board, but they damn well can TELL you not to change to code 5. And then warn you, and then fire you for not working as directed.

There are no code 5s here. (Unless of course it benefits UPS).

Five,........what happens in our center is that we are a heavy rural center. Its to thier advantage to let us work a code 5, so when we cant make it in, well work one for them. It saves them alot of money.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
If I take a full hour for lunch I have a bad day. I get too relaxed if I go from working my butt off to chilling out and can't get going again. Now I eat for about 20 minutes and then sort the rest of the stops. If I still have time left then I'll make calls or chill out but I can't just stop for a full hour. Some days
I don't want to stop at all. That is usually a Friday though. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
over9...Perhaps if you learned a little about the history of UPS you would know the company started on the west coast and moved to the east coast in 1929. Also if you read sendagain's message you would know that on the west coast drivers ALWAYS had a 1/2 hour lunch perios. It was your Teamster leadership who decided the drivers will get a one hour lunch.

As far as being beneficial to UPS to have drivers working for "free" later to make pickups, I guess you also think it's beneficial for UPS to have to stop all deliviers for one hour in the middle of the work day while the driver is on lunch.
Stagering driver's start times would be one way for UPS to get that so called "free" time to make later pickups.
Staggering the start times also means that there would be less people to make NDA commit times. I don't know about your center, but anymore in ours we generally have all drivers full-up on airs, and then at least one air-only driver to boot. We couldn't make it without all of our drivers starting between 8:25 and 8:35.

Then again, if they would add 8 more routes like the time-study suggested, things might be different.


Active Member
whats a lunch??did not a driver in calf about 8 years ago get back pay for many years of ups wrongly taken out lunch time from our time and then the big push on all of us that we have got to take lunch or else that lasted for about two weeks and the numbers went down the craper and then they got very blind again IF every driver at our company took a lunch for one week the numbers would fall off the earth and the big house in Alt.would be lit up.but thatwill never happen because, once we were strong very strong can't say that now. glad I only have 2 1/2 to go.