Slip Slidin' Away


Well-Known Member

Ive been busy, immersed in my decadence, if you will, so forgive me if I havent replied to your childish rants.

First, the word is spelled FASCISM. It is impossible to take someone seriously when they cant even spell the subject they are attempting to discuss.

Please read these essays discussing the matter. The first relates directly to Griffin.

Then consider this (tip of the hat to mac):

You are free to believe whatever you want. You can believe that we still have separation of power in the government, and that the elections are above board (Diebold). Thats your prerogative. Dont blame those who spoke out when your freedoms are severely curtailed, and they will be in the near future, if we allow the present administration to continue to place themselves above the law.


Tie,Ive been busy, immersed in my decadence, if you will, so forgive me if I havent replied to your childish rants.

First, the word is spelled FASCISM. It is impossible to take someone seriously when they cant even spell the subject they are attempting to discuss.

I would believe you I suppose if you actually had established a track record of responding to questions posed to you. Instead you tend to provide ill-thought posts that support your view and then run for cover when someone asks you to support your position. Were I to take the time to read your links I would again be sent off in another direction when you have not supported what you previously linked to this site.

You are free to believe whatever you want. You can believe that we still have separation of power in the government, and that the elections are above board (Diebold). Thats your prerogative. Dont blame those who spoke out when your freedoms are severely curtailed, and they will be in the near future, if we allow the present administration to continue to place themselves above the law.

My dear I did not blame you for speaking out. I asked you to support your position. I rebuted your link with one from an expert on the subject. I asked you to support your point of view that felt our freedoms were severly curtailed. You chose to run and hide from doing so. And then when pressed you provide me with more links to read. Do you have an opinion on the subject that can be provided in your words and not someone elses? You complain about my spelling yet you have yet to master the simple task of message board communication. Post your position and then defend it. Don't run and hide, don't make excuses as to why you can't defend your position. Stand up and respond.


Well-Known Member

If anyone has a track record of not answering questions it is you. As far as your link rebutting my position; I would contend that it does the opposite. The next points in Griffins thesis are The Myth of National or Ethnic Renewal & Idea of Nation in Crisis. I would say that both of these conditions have been met. The reliance on Militarism is another of the signs Griffin points to. Id say we have that covered as well.

I dont think that we have become Fascist yet, just that the seeds are planted, and we are on the road towards Fascism. I wouldnt expect the new American fascism to resemble that of Italy or Germany in 1938, though this quote rings true today:

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." Mussolini


Staff member
"It is impossible to take someone seriously when they cant even spell..."

Why? I knew that "facism" meant "fascism", as I'm sure you did.

He has a point that you fall to correcting spelling to avoid answering the point of the post.


From the promised LAND
They acknowledge legal hurdles, including the fact that many defendants waived some rights to appeal as part of their plea deals.

Now let me see if I get this correct. They have pleaded guilty when confronted with the evidence. Now because of a suposed illegal action these attorneys are seeking to free a guilty man? On what might or might not be a technicality?

Something is wrong when the legal system is used to free the guilty instead of protecting the inocent.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." Mussolini

So in the industrial revolution, we would have been considered a fascist state? If so, when did we retreat from that position, in your opinion?




Well-Known Member

You're asking me to defend a quote by Mussolini? Nice try. That's what he believed. Don't ask me to defend it.

As far as a our legal system, when those in charge don't play by the rules, it jeopardizes all of us.



If anyone has a track record of not answering questions it is you. As far as your link rebutting my position; I would contend that it does the opposite. The next points in Griffins thesis are The Myth of National or Ethnic Renewal & Idea of Nation in Crisis. I would say that both of these conditions have been met. The reliance on Militarism is another of the signs Griffin points to. Id say we have that covered as well.

I would believe that would be one hell of a stretch to equate the polarization of red states and blue states in this country to a fascist renewal. You are really reaching now in order to continue supporting your ill thought out position.

I dont think that we have become Fascist yet, just that the seeds are planted, and we are on the road towards Fascism. I wouldnt expect the new American fascism to resemble that of Italy or Germany in 1938, though this quote rings true today:

I don't believe that either germany or italy had a well established political system that seperated the powers prior to their conversion. I'm sure you could find many other differences between our country and theirs if you chose to.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." Mussolini

Then your point would have to be that all corporatism is fascism? I would think Mussolini ending up at the end of a noose in the town square of Milan may indicate that he was not always right on the issues of his day?


susiedriver said:

You're asking me to defend a quote by Mussolini? Nice try. That's what he believed. Don't ask me to defend it.

As far as a our legal system, when those in charge don't play by the rules, it jeopardizes all of us.

ROFLMAO. There you capture susie in all her glory . She uses a quote by mussolini to support her position. Then responds above when challenged on it. This susie is exactly what you have done time and time again. If you use the quote then have ownership.You can't run and hide from that ownership. Its now your quote that you used and attributed to originating with mussolini.


Meanwhile; people with terrorist ties may go free because King George thought he was above the law:

and your point would be that they would have stayed in jail longer if George had not thought he was above the law?

This issue is an interesting one. The question I have for your susie are you prepared to die at the hands of these terrorists in order to ensure their civil rights?


Well-Known Member
dannyboy said:
So in the industrial revolution, we would have been considered a fascist state? If so, when did we retreat from that position, in your opinion?

Yes Danny, in some sense you could say that but it was during this period we transitioned from Free Market to some form of economic fascism not that the industrial revolution itself was wholely fascist. Don't make the mistake of always believing that all fascism must be in the Hilter/Mussolini models of total terror and abuse. One aspect of fascism is for the production means and property of a nation to be maintained privately but it's output, methods and ways of using that production is regulated by the State itself. Under that pretext America does seem to match some of the principles of economic fascism as we do have a "planned economic model" as drafted by the centralized state from banking and currency down to the last means of output and labor. With Mussolini's quote he's actually dead on but the problem for those of us in America is that this slaps us right in the face because this is the very system we have in place. Under the Trotsky/Leninist socialism model or Engals/Marx Communism model all things are held in public by the gov't. Ironically Marx foresaw a future under communism where the gov't itself would be dissolved as the people would be conditioned to hold all things in common as a natural behavior. Nice thought but I'm not convinced eons of genetic imprinted behavior is so easily conditioned away.

As for corporations, in and of themselves they aren't always the evil but I'll admit my problem with them as I'm a believer in the old English and American Common Law systems and the ability of an individual or group of individuals to go to the gov't and create a paper person (this is what a corporation is) to absorb liability and when some wrong happens then dissolve that person from existence to null and void that liability and the physical real individuals walk away clean is just wrong IMO. This to me almost smacks of titles of nobility and the divine right of kings.

Corporations are in fact in bed with gov't and obtain special priviledges because the gov't needs the tax revenues these corporations generate to satisfy the ever growing demands of the populace in order to have these same people continue to vote them in office. In turn, the corporations go back for more as sometimes these citizen demands encroach upon the corporations and they need more special priviledge to overcome the encroachment. In turn the people demand more and thus the politician stands between the two absorbing more and more power as this Hegelian Dialectic plays out. Danny, go to K Street in Washington DC and look at whats there and who owns it all. You'll see in many respects who runs Washington at that locale. Nope K Street ain't 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. either.

Early Americans believed business was done via the individual contract and free market. If someone had a better idea he was free to market that idea but if you desire America to become something it wasn't intended, this approach to individual free trade would hamper that effort. Thus we see over time America moving more and more towards a planned economic model. At UPS you hear, "plan the work and work the plan" and this is not UPS, this is the way of smart business. If you plan the work then in order to work the plan you must also make sure no outside force intrudes on your efforts. Historically, most warfare comes about as a result of protecting from intruders on the plan or a potential to expand your area of influence thus making you plan's position even stronger. Sounds like business doesn't it. That's because gov't is business.

Yes, I do believe in several ways the American gov't, both democrat and republican, meet the criteria of some elements of fascism. However, I don't consider the American people fascist in any way and I doubt most elected leaders see it as such. Now the policy wonks, oh yeah! My personal belief is they know and the right/left warfare is nothing more than the European Fascist models (rightwing) verses the European Socialist models ie Trotsky/Lenin not Marx(leftwing) taking place in Washington as we are the meat in the middle they are fighting over. Our problem, all of us, has been to look at fascism only via the Hitler/Mussolini models. Is George Bush an overt Fascist? I'd be suprised if he was but like the rest of us, he's been caught up into a vortex started long ago by others. If he shut it off now, the effects for the American public would be catastrophic across the board so for the moment it's not an option. Many come to Washington with the idea of backing out gracefully only to run into the Tempest in the Storm. I believe Reagan was such in 1980' with talk of going back to the gold standard, massive tax overhaul and such but he soon saw the Tempest and all that went away. For good or bad depends on you point of view. Jimmy Carter was a kind and gentle person who also got slammed by the machine before he got his feet wet. Politically/economically I differ from both Carter and Reagan but I also think had they been allowed to do more history might be different today on both accounts. Good/Bad is a personal choice. Reagan BTW used a business practice to beat the soviets. He bankrupted them in a race of capital investments and knew they had no market to tax to cover the debt created. Yeah that opens another can of worms but that's for latter.:wink:

Nothing and I mean nothing will change or happen until Americans across the board begin to learn and understand just what is Washington DC and how it really operates. Just listening to someone's 30 sec. sound bites that sound good and then voting for that person is not enough. The Mussolini/Hitler models not withstanding, Fascism in some Americanized style might be good or some Americanized Leninist socialism or Marxist Communism for that fact or some concept between the extreme right or extreme left might work well for us but until Americans begin to understand the specifics of these concepts in full we are leaving to others to define and make policy using beliefs we have no knowledge of. Would you attend a religious institution where the preacher/preist was the only source of all dogma and law and that he had all authority to make up or decide what the beliefs and dogma for the people would be and that he had nothing more he had to do to justify his position. In some respects, I believe this is exactly what we do to ourselves on every election day and I myself am not immune from this either. It's frustrating to go vote and have high hopes only to see them dashed when the policies get voted in and it's the same ole' same ole'.

I think all Americans would do well to discuss the pros and cons of the many political/economic/social models out there and begin to see that many of these concepts from a variety of areas make up our govt's public policies. You want some fun go back and read the American Socialist Party's platform from the 1920's and then read the democrat and republican party platforms of today. Before you do make sure there are no loaded guns in the house as I don't want to read about you committing suicide!:lol: Joking aside, it is a real eye opener.

Hee's another piece on economic fascism that has some good points you might find thought provoking.

I know this isn't a pleasant subject or position to take but I do believe just as some aspects of socialism/communism have been made into American public policy so to have aspects of Fascism. Our gov't has been crossbred so much to the point that the whole system is not working anymore. Our founding fathers started out with a pure model, oh yeah it had it faults, but over time and years we've had leaders who added a Ford part here and some Chevy parts there, some Dodge stuff and now we have some Toyota, some Nissan, some Volvo and a variety of others. If you took a car and did this, outside of some massive modifications, odds are the car wouldn't run well if at all. I sure it would take constant maintenance and adjustments and would never prove realiable of consistant when truly needed. Sound familiar?

What makes us think we can crossbreed political concepts and have them work well for us? My guess is those that push the crossbredding are the very ones to stand to benefit while the rest of us will either just stumble in and get lucky or be the unfortunate ones who get nothing. It all depends which side is in office at the time.

Take care Dannyboy!


Well-Known Member
tieguy said:
The question I have for your susie are you prepared to die at the hands of these terrorists in order to ensure their civil rights?

May I answer that question for myself Tie? Yes I am because I fear the govt's of men far more than these terrorists. I'm also very prepared to take some of them with me or even send them ahead of me if they try and I get the chance. I have no problem doing that at all. Historically govt's have a proven track record of tyranny and abuse whereas lone terrorist or group terrorism are isolated and rare in longstanding historical context.

This is my honest opinion and since you asked I thought I'd throw it out. Wasn't trying to intrude on you guys conversation. Have a good one!


From the promised LAND
As far as a our legal system, when those in charge don't play by the rules, it jeopardizes all of us.

You know, Susie you hit on something here too. And it does not have to be the people in charge. I have seen changes to this site, many of which are really not all that good because of some people (not those in charge) not playing by the rules.

As for you defending or not your posts, It was just a question to you for your thoughts. If you have no thoughts on the matter, say so. Or if you cant think of an intelligent response say so. But you don't have to be an ass when someone asks you for your opinion (not links to others opinion).
I was really interested where your thoughts were coming from when you posted what you did.

BTW, those that do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat the past. Not my quote, but true none the less.



wkmac said:
May I answer that question for myself Tie? Yes I am because I fear the govt's of men far more than these terrorists. I'm also very prepared to take some of them with me or even send them ahead of me if they try and I get the chance. I have no problem doing that at all. Historically govt's have a proven track record of tyranny and abuse whereas lone terrorist or group terrorism are isolated and rare in longstanding historical context.

This is my honest opinion and since you asked I thought I'd throw it out. Wasn't trying to intrude on you guys conversation. Have a good one!

No problem with you jumping into answer the question. Just because I thought you swung too much to okies side of our little clash does not mean I hold any grudges. :cool:

After carefull consideration I think I would tend to disagree with your answer due to the terrorist providing a recent and continuing threat to my life and way of life. Fear what you will , be wary as always but the government has not threatened me. I do however; not believe we should continue with the patriot act forever. I think I would equate the solution to government at times being forced to impose martial law to restore order in cases of civil unrest. I recognize that martial law may need to be imposed but I would not agree with it continuing indefinitely. At some point we have to come up with other less intrusive means to maintain our security.


I Re Member
The telling point there is what is the level of rights and safeguards that we allow to be taken away before we say "no more" and who gets to decide this?

It is a very slippery slope where you can find the point of no return has passed as it is incredibly easy to give away citizen's rights.

Simply ignore what is happening or say, "yeah, sure, as long as it's for my safety".

It's far, far harder to win back rights and safeguards.


Well-Known Member
dBoy and tie,

Don't mean to ignore you, but I've been too wrapped up in more interesting things of late. I'll be back with the responses you've asked for in due time.

ta ta for now,



From the promised LAND
Breathlessly awaiting your return and response. And try not to get wrapped too tightly. That might lead to problems, and heaven knows we dont need any of those.

