So this happened


Well-Known Member
I was driving down a country road/driveway to a house way back in the woods. I realized it was not safe to travel the road about 200 yards in. I completed a safe turn around on the side of the road. My front tires went off just a little where it was obvious someone else turned around their as well. I looked down and saw a small water pipe leaking. I know I did not bust the pipe. But my question is do I have anything to worry about. What if someone calls in?


I was driving down a country road/driveway to a house way back in the woods. I realized it was not safe to travel the road about 200 yards in. I completed a safe turn around on the side of the road. My front tires went off just a little where it was obvious someone else turned around their as well. I looked down and saw a small water pipe leaking. I know I did not bust the pipe. But my question is do I have anything to worry about. What if someone calls in?

I hope you told the boss man


Well-Known Member
Like was it a lawn sprinkler?

If the homeowner calls in. UPS will at least go out and look. If they see UPS tire tracks in the yard they may give you a warning letter or something. But you're not getting fired for that.


Well-Known Member
You can be if you run over leave ruts and break a sprinkler line in somebody’s yard
No. Not if you reported it, and in fact probably not even then unless they can show you knew it and intentionally tried to hide it.

A single Tier 1 is not a fireable offense even if you were totally at fault. I mean they can try..I was once fired for a very small scratch on another vehicle but it was from behind so it was automatically a Tier 3. The other driver didn’t even want to wait around but I reported it anyway and took my own pics since other driver didn’t want to wait.

center manager said probably a warning letter which I expected then he got off phone and said somebody levels up is tired of silly small crashes so they want to “make an example”. End result was a several day paid vacation 🤣


Gravy route
Let's make this clear...

"Tier 1, 2, or 3" mean nothing. Those are arbitrary categories management makes up.

Is it a serious accident according to contractual language? i.e. what is the monitary damage, was anyone hurt?

If it is not a serious accident as defined by the contract management may try to fire him, but it will not stick if the driver didn't lie and fights it.


Well-Known Member
So, if you report an can't be fired? Serious question.
Short of killing someone, no. Report everything. You cannot be fired for an accident, as long as you report it. I don’t want to mention specifics but we had a feeder driver seriously injured a loader. Permanent loss of a limb. Reported. Was out a long time. Now back at work. Report everything. You run over a dandelion report it. You run over a squirrel, report it.


Gravy route
When you have an accident you will naturally think...should I report it, after all no one saw it, no or little damage to the truck.

Don't be tempted! Do you want to be worried about it for a week, thinking maybe someone saw it? Do you want to risk your job?

Report it, everyone has them. Once you report it it is management's problem. Sleep sound

Then if they want to give you a worthless piece of paper, grieve the discipline.

I posted this before, but we had a driver with 6 accidents in 9 months. He still works for UPS.


Well-Known Member
Let's make this clear...

"Tier 1, 2, or 3" mean nothing. Those are arbitrary categories management makes up.

Is it a serious accident according to contractual language? i.e. what is the monitary damage, was anyone hurt?

If it is not a serious accident as defined by the contract management may try to fire him, but it will not stick if the driver didn't lie and fights it.
Tiers mean nothing contractually that is true. But it means something to management. In my case the fact that it was a “hit other in rear” turned a very minor crash that other driver didn’t want to report into a Big Deal for them which caused knee jerk reaction to wrongfully terminate me.

One of my senior brother mentors once told me “Your nobody in this company unless you’ve been fired at least once!”

Of course, it bears mentioning that over 15 years later I’m still here. 😎


Well-Known Member
When you have an accident you will naturally think...should I report it, after all no one saw it, no or little damage to the truck.

Don't be tempted! Do you want to be worried about it for a week, thinking maybe someone saw it? Do you want to risk your job?

Report it, everyone has them. Once you report it it is management's problem. Sleep sound

Then if they want to give you a worthless piece of paper, grieve the discipline.

I posted this before, but we had a driver with 6 accidents in 9 months. He still works for UPS.
35 years? Retire already.