So this happened


Gravy route
A serious accident is defined as one in which:
1. There is a fatality, or;
2. A citation is issued and there is bodily injury to a person who, as
a result of the injury, receives immediate medical treatment away
from the scene of the accident, or;
3. A citation is issued and one or more motor vehicles incur dis-
abling damage as a result of the accident requiring a vehicle to be
transported away from the scene by a tow truck or other vehicle, or:
4. Any vehicular contact with an aircraft which results in damage
that grounds such aircraft, or;
5. There is an accident involving a motor vehicle on Company
property, outside of any building, that results in a fatality or bodily
injury to a person, who as a result of the injury receives medical
treatment away from the scene of the accident.


Well-Known Member
Right. But the smallest fender bender can get you fired if you don’t report it and the other driver does.

Not for the crash, for the dishonesty.


Gravy route
35 years? Retire already.

35 years? Retire already.
Short of killing someone, no. Report everything. You cannot be fired for an accident, as long as you report it. I don’t want to mention specifics but we had a feeder driver seriously injured a loader. Permanent loss of a limb. Reported. Was out a long time. Now back at work. Report everything. You run over a dandelion report it. You run over a squirrel, report it.
Must be nice when your feeder accidents aren't crushing people like water balloons. Loader was super lucky all they lost was a limb. We "allegedly" had a guy jump down real quick and had his head pop like a grape. Would be uh, five or six years ago now? People seemed visibly affected when it was first mentioned, like they missed their friend or something.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
When you have an accident you will naturally think...should I report it, after all no one saw it, no or little damage to the truck.

Don't be tempted! Do you want to be worried about it for a week, thinking maybe someone saw it? Do you want to risk your job?

Report it, everyone has them. Once you report it it is management's problem. Sleep sound

Then if they want to give you a worthless piece of paper, grieve the discipline.

I posted this before, but we had a driver with 6 accidents in 9 months. He still works for UPS.
Well let's explore for a minute...this may or not be true. I've seen things happen to folks and they never come back. I've seen folks

terminated with the standard 3 in a certain time period and they are gone. It just depends. Serious troublemaker i.e. serial filer, all bets

are off. If you are a foe of the company and union, you won't sleep "sound" after each event. It's hard to imagine how far up some mgt.s

arse someone is to survive 6 accidents and still be employed. They have to be a relative of some sort. I have seen teflon employees that

can do no wrong and you find out they are a relative of someone high up. The outcome is never CERTAIN.....that is certain.

For thought: Try to imagine the above scenario driver(6 accident guy) finally killing someone. That thick file is opened to reveal that he is

on his 7TH! accident. See?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Must be nice when your feeder accidents aren't crushing people like water balloons. Loader was super lucky all they lost was a limb. We "allegedly" had a guy jump down real quick and had his head pop like a grape. Would be uh, five or six years ago now? People seemed visibly affected when it was first mentioned, like they missed their friend or something.


But then...well.....just take great care....friend...Brother.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Tiers mean nothing contractually that is true. But it means something to management. In my case the fact that it was a “hit other in rear” turned a very minor crash that other driver didn’t want to report into a Big Deal for them which caused knee jerk reaction to wrongfully terminate me.

One of my senior brother mentors once told me “Your nobody in this company unless you’ve been fired at least once!”

Of course, it bears mentioning that over 15 years later I’m still here. 😎