It's only legal in California as far as I know.not illegal but it is stupid
Peter 3 weeks ago
"I can't afford the ambulance" - let that sink in for a second, fellow Europeans! How can emergency services not be provided freely, in the wealthiest country in the world?
BackSpacəTM 2 weeks ago (edited)
America where your first words after a crash is "I can't afford a ambulance"
bikes are riskynot illegal but it is stupid
Get the arm better, we'll arm wrestle. Remember I got i called 3 local cities and only 1 of them offers free physio at the hospital.
so im getting free physio 1.5 hours at a time 2x a week for my arm.
i like the physiotherapist
I blame @Tony Q He is the can thank Obama for this.
yea i think your right, he didnt push single payer, and he didnt keep costs under can thank Obama for this.
My gut tells me water pistols could take rickyb.Get the arm better, we'll arm wrestle. Remember I got GUNS. can thank Obama for this.
but the health care in america has been...and just who would you blame for Obamacare?
Oh's Trumps fault.
Trump’s made it worse intentionally. Stopped paying subsidies that drives the cost up. Massive premium increases tied directly to his actions and fewer people insured which will also drive costs up....and just who would you blame for Obamacare?
Oh's Trumps fault.