Then you have a guy telling an incorrect statement about a person who did everything right on an 8 hour request and got screwed. That guy making the statement didn't have all the facts and wasn't in the hearing to listen to the facts of the case.
I get copies of all of the dockets and decisions, and certain cases catch my eye.
When you network yourself with as many people as I do, all kinds of things are possible.
It's funny how you dinosaurs think that in 2016 that you have to be in the hearing to "
listen to the facts of the case", that somehow the ranks are still closed in your secret society.
When I inquired about this specific case, because it sounded interesting, I got
all of the facts I needed.
If I were to close my eyes, it would have been "
like I was in the room".
As the charging party, the company had the burden of proof, and they proved nothing.
In the drivers defense, he had 4 decades of Central Region decisions and established Local practices on his side, yet still the "baby was split".
Anybody who has been around for more than a cup of coffee knows; had the driver had any real culpability, he would have been lucky to be put back to work, let alone receive half back pay.
What a travesty it would be if this decision managed to set a new precedence, after such a long standing privilege had been preserved by our predecessors.
The only thing I don't understand, is why they didn't "refer the case back to parties", like they do most every other time the Union presents a good case?
I can only assume, without any first hand knowledge or contacts in that Local, that this guy wasn't looking for a deal and the case was destine to be right back in front of this same panel in 3 months.
Either way, it was another crap decision.