Brothers and Sisters, our Union either failed us or bargained the best that they could. We lost. A vote "No" will not do anything. The IBT has no strategy nor fight to continue to negotiate. For those who like the new agreement, you won. For those of us who see how this contract stinks, we lost. It's as simple as that. The IBT has started a fear and slander campaign. Fear of the unknown if you vote "No" or slander saying that those that oppose this contract are doing it for selfish reasons or for "political aspirations". To the Vote No group, we have been sold out. The Teamsters are not the same Union as years past. We need to work hard to change the direction of our Union before UPS splits into diffeeend entities and the Teamsters cease to exist there. To the Vote Yes group, you won. Congratulations. This contract will further divide all UPS Teamsters. While it may be good for you, it will destroy many things in the long run including solidarity. Truly heartbroken to know that everything I believed about my Union was all based on lies. I'm voting yes and as soon as I can, moving on to a different career.