I disagree. Like any other terrorist, the pirates are cowards who prey upon unarmed innocents. Shoot back, and they'll go away. Very hard to defend an inflatable boat from armed guards shooting down on you from the decks of a freighter.
I think our President should place small teams of soldiers on-board some American flagged ships in the area for a while. The pirates will learn to leave US ships alone after their shot up a couple of times. Just the thought that a US ship *may* have soldiers on board will be a great deterrent!
I realize that you are not one of the most infomed members on this board, and still rank higher in intellect than UPS lifer, but maybe you dont realize that most of the ships that travel thru there dont FLY THE AMERICAN FLAG, but are navigated by american crews.
Thats the problem with this thread, political rhetoric takes over and those on the right side of the dial speak from positions of ignorance vs. facts.
Most of the ships are flagged out of other countries...there are many reasons for that. Too many for explanation on this thread.
But its time to really spend some time researching maritime laws and international water travel.
How many times do you folks need to hear that there are international maritime laws that prevent guns on ships, or armed personnel on ships, or that somalia has soveriegn waters...etc etc etc..
Same old political rhetoric. Obama did what he needed to do, dont overreact, dont be hasty, dont shoot first and ask questions later, he wore the pirates down, got them to their weakest point as to where they were becoming sea sick, they ran out of gas, they managed to get a tow line on the boat, slowly pulling the life boat closer and closer, got one of the pirates to depart the boat, and when the time was right, took out the other three pirates (no matter what there age). captain rescued.
Those of you who say Obama took too long because thats what your programed to say by RUSH, BECK and FAUX news were willing to get the captain killed in order to satisfy your political rhetoric.
Get over it, a successful international incident for President Obama.
Something BUSH could never achieve.