Something that really annoys me on Brown Cafe...


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Is when someone who is apparently desperate for attention (A) necroposts a bunch of old threads and (B) clogs up every thread with irrelevant banter and one-line responses to other individuals rather than using the Private Message feature.
The fact that we see more and more people using the phrase "on topic" in their subject line indicates to me that they also have a concern about their thread disintegrating into a bunch of meaningless banter. It gets annoying having to continually scroll thru page after page of posts that amount to nothing but 2 people sending text messages to one another that have nothing at all to do with the original topic.
Rant over thanks for listening.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Is when someone who is apparently desperate for attention (A) necroposts a bunch of old threads and (B) clogs up every thread with irrelevant banter and one-line responses to other individuals rather than using the Private Message feature.
The fact that we see more and more people using the phrase "on topic" in their subject line indicates to me that they also have a concern about their thread disintegrating into a bunch of meaningless banter. It gets annoying having to continually scroll thru page after page of posts that amount to nothing but 2 people sending text messages to one another that have nothing at all to do with the original topic.
Rant over thanks for listening.

It's like many, if not most, of the threads turn into "Meaningless Fluff" threads. LOL

Billy Ray

God, help us all.....
Is when someone who is apparently desperate for attention (A) necroposts a bunch of old threads and (B) clogs up every thread with irrelevant banter and one-line responses to other individuals rather than using the Private Message feature.
The fact that we see more and more people using the phrase "on topic" in their subject line indicates to me that they also have a concern about their thread disintegrating into a bunch of meaningless banter. It gets annoying having to continually scroll thru page after page of posts that amount to nothing but 2 people sending text messages to one another that have nothing at all to do with the original topic.
Rant over thanks for listening.

Welcome to the new order. While I agree with you, there is little that can be done to prevent it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Welcome to the new order. While I agree with you, there is little that can be done to prevent it.
There are Terms of Service guidelines for the use of this site, repeated violations of which can cause the offender to have his/ her posts reviewed by a moderator before having them added to the thread. Perhaps necroposting and thread hijacking should be added to the list of TOS violations.

I bring all this up not just because I find it annoying, but because I am afraid it will cause new UPS'ers and first-time Brown Cafe users to simply avoid the site entirely. I think that people come to this site looking for information about UPS and to vent and interact with other UPS'ers about their jobs. When it literally becomes a chore to wade through page after page of two people text messaging one-liners to each other that have absolutely nothing to do with the original topic, new members will simply tune out and leave entirely rather than staying and contributing. When that happens, we all lose.


Pineapple King
There needs to be an off-topic section cause this has nothing to do with UPS discussions. That can be very annoying to some also.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
That could easily flow right in with the off-topic stuff.

Dang now we're guilty of it.
Virtually everybody...myself included...has been guilty of it to varying degrees in the past. And its not realistic to think it will ever stop entirely. But there are some people here who are doing it continually, repeatedly and chronically.


Pineapple King
Virtually everybody...myself included...has been guilty of it to varying degrees in the past. And its not realistic to think it will ever stop entirely. But there are some people here who are doing it continually, repeatedly and chronically.
This goes on in the forum world, either accept it or move along because it will not change. The only thing that can and will change it is more MOD'S to constantly delete stuff and no one wants that.


Well-Known Member
Is when someone who is apparently desperate for attention (A) necroposts a bunch of old threads and (B) clogs up every thread with irrelevant banter and one-line responses to other individuals rather than using the Private Message feature.
The fact that we see more and more people using the phrase "on topic" in their subject line indicates to me that they also have a concern about their thread disintegrating into a bunch of meaningless banter. It gets annoying having to continually scroll thru page after page of posts that amount to nothing but 2 people sending text messages to one another that have nothing at all to do with the original topic.
Rant over thanks for listening.
It's just an online web forum, why you wanna be so sensitive about it? Does it really bother you that bad when you see one of these "necroposts" pop up in here? Really, of all the things going on, this is what upsets you?


Happy Verified UPSer
Is when someone who is apparently desperate for attention (A) necroposts a bunch of old threads and (B) clogs up every thread with irrelevant banter and one-line responses to other individuals rather than using the Private Message feature.
The fact that we see more and more people using the phrase "on topic" in their subject line indicates to me that they also have a concern about their thread disintegrating into a bunch of meaningless banter. It gets annoying having to continually scroll thru page after page of posts that amount to nothing but 2 people sending text messages to one another that have nothing at all to do with the original topic.
Rant over thanks for listening.
sober. that's why i have people on ignore. people that have one word replies like "hi" and constantly derail serious threads with small talk. or mean miserable people who are not happy unless they are stirring things up.

i 'm all for some humor and fun but they can have specific threads for that stuff. granted , there are threads like that but some people think they can bleed it over to serious threads and ruin them.

the lifeblood of the Brown Cafe should be NEW members. new people come here for serious answers to work or union related problems and get BULLIED right out of these forums. most never come back. must make the bullies feel important. like i said before the BC will devolve into the same 12 posters talking to each other propping themselves up.

thanks for bringing up what a lot of the silent majority is thinking about.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
It's just an online web forum, why you wanna be so sensitive about it? Does it really bother you that bad when you see one of these "necroposts" pop up in here? Really, of all the things going on, this is what upsets you?
It doesn't upset me, it annoys me.

My annoyance isnt really important. What IS important, in my opinion, is to get new members to stay here at Brown Cafe and contribute. Which they wont do if they feel like their threads will get hijacked or their time will be wasted. Just my opinion.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Is this the thread to learn how to complain about imaginary metrics and feed dogs biscuits???? Because that's ALL the op is known for. End of rant.
The difference being that I dont hijack everyone elses threads in order to complain about metrics or talk about dog biscuits. Nor do I necropost. Nor do I use the forum to text message one liners to individual members. If I have nothing relevant to contribute to a thread, I stay out of it.


Staff member
The difference being that I dont hijack everyone elses threads in order to complain about metrics or talk about dog biscuits. Nor do I necropost. Nor do I use the forum to text message one liners to individual members. If I have nothing relevant to contribute to a thread, I stay out of it.

It really is simple, Sober. Just put the people who post the one-liners and irrelevant posts on ignore. Then, you will no longer be annoyed by them.



Box Monkey
Is this the thread to learn how to complain about imaginary metrics and feed dogs biscuits???? Because that's ALL the op is known for. End of rant.

I was going to make a jab at @soberups for his never ending song post but it was only going to be in jest because at least he does it in the right forum. 95% of his pics are posted in HTV where they should be.

And necroposting is fine if it actually contributes to the discussion the OP originally intended for. But to start talking about what beer your drinking in a 5 year old thread about Same Day Will Calls is ridiculous.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
It really is simple, Sober. Just put the people who post the one-liners and irrelevant posts on ignore. Then, you will no longer be annoyed by them.

I may try that, although I dont know if it will work on an iphone. But this isnt just about me. Its about new members being turned off and driven away.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
And necroposting is fine if it actually contributes to the discussion the OP originally intended for. But to start talking about what beer your drinking in a 5 year old thread about Same Day Will Calls is ridiculous.
Bingo. This is the sort of thing that will discourage new people from participating. And BrownCafe is the only forum I have seen where this sort of behavior is even tolerated.


Well-Known Member
Deleting/archiving inactive threads that are at least 1 year old would eliminate this. Yes, Cheryl has added an "This thread is more than a year old..." disclaimer, but that doesn't seem to be working.