Well, heard from 10s of my co-workers in IT and it is pretty sad to say the least. I hope Mr. DA and Juan P are sleeping well. Grown up men in tears of fears of losing their jobs after spending 30+ years yet the are not 55 yet. Shipping jobs to India, laying off people who are two months, a year or two away from retirement is not UPS wrong is criminal. We work nights, weekends, days, holidays whatever it takes to staff the shifts yet now we are no good. You can do better. Do not replace jobs and fill openings with partners who gave it their all. Confusing as you are still promoting the DMs friends and look a-like but letting others down if they are not drinking or partying buddies. Shameful and for JP to do this for a guy who comes from operation and supposedly knows partnership is shocking. No conscious, no faith, no shame and no heart. Simply stated. BTW, if you need more people to retire, why did not you make it 55 and over instead of 58. Why not open it to people based on service years instead of age. Ruining people's lives should matter if you are a decent person. I am wondering if they are decent. Leadership must speak and address this storm in more clarity than nonsense. People, family, UPSers matter. Do you care?
Committees and groups do not have a conscious.
I doubt Juan made this decision on his own.
The Board and other members of the Management Committee made that decision after consultants made a presentation. The CIO may be on the Management Committee but he is the lowest person in that group and basically must do as they are told. The CIO is on the Management Committee so he/she can understand the strategy of the company and develop technical solutions to support them.
I know Dave B was continuously frustrated as CIO at his lack of power and honestly respect from the other committee members.
When you accept a position at higher and higher levels within the organization, you have to put aside what you feel and believe in ... just execute.
I would think IT people who have real skills would have no problem getting a job.
There are hundreds of thousands of IT job unfilled because capable people are not looking for jobs.
It's some consolation but losing your pension and health care from retirement until 65 is a big hit.
I feel sorry for the people getting the shaft.
I realize I was very lucky to be the age I was when I retired with 40 years at age 58 five and a half years ago.
Anybody hired after 1992 is marginalized in protection offered to a "PARTNER".
I know! I hated to use the word partner because that all ended when we went public.