I understand your mistrust. I was a cover for many years also. The thing is the language guarantees it and all I can do is trust in the language. If my local screws me/us they will have a huge problem on their hands.
We are guaranteed to work Monday through Friday because of these reasons.
1. No 22.4 or cover driver can't work if a driver is layed off.
2. Our work week it's M-friend 8 hours a day 5 consecutive days.
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3. The schedule has to be posted the Friday before. So if I'm scheduled I am guaranteed 8 hours work or no work.
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4. If they were to lay me off Monday they would have to work me Saturday. Which in the new language says they can not do that. (Also if by some weird loop hole they did the company would have to pay me time and 1/2 for the day even if it wasn't a 6th punch.)
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So this mean if they were to lay me off they would have to lay off every 22.4 and Cover Driver for the week also. Which we all know won't happen.
If you see any loop hole or can think of any I'd like to hear them. I will be sure to bring them up to my BA and other members so that it can be addressed. I don't want this

to pass but I honestly think that as a RPCD that if it does I am safe from 1 day layoffs on Monday.