So a 22.4 would actually increase the rate of a TCD. Tcd’s Will basically be eliminated. 95% of drivers will be full time. I see this as a good thing.
And these combo employees will be protected from going to their inside rate (like a ft pkg driver would if they don’t get a driver punch in a week) so they would maintain their higher rate of pay.
Getting $30/hr doing preload???? Sounds good to me.
Of course, most on here are taking the extreme and saying these guys would never work inside. But in my building, I don’t see how they could only drive being that out FT pkg drivers now aren’t even all being utilized. You would need to get all those double shifting to drive before you could put a 22.4 on road.
I see all the leaders urging a vote no as politically motivated so they can be move up the ranks of the ibt.
I could be wrong but I don’t think this contract is as bad as everyone is saying.
We haven’t lost anything and we’ve been strengthened in some areas. Would like 9.5 stronger. But I won’t be forced to work Saturdays now.
But somebody will be forced to work saturday....yes they have a choice to take the job or not, but if thats the only job that opens up, they have no choice but to take it if they want to move up the ladder, because you know all new RPCD will come from the 22.4 language because they will want to get some protections and get off the weekend work and as fellow full timers they will have seniority over part timers. So basically the only route to full time will now be through 22.4.
Look I dont know whats going on in your building or your part of the country, I dont know if the economy didnt recover there like the rest of the U.S. or if people are just moving away or if UPS somehow overhired, but that is not the norm nationwide. Our building is the smallest in Central Florida district only 40 drivers, but we use 6 or 7 CD everyday. And they abuse them, the use them in ways that violate the contract, and theyve been doing it since the language was allowed almost 30years ago. So with these subtle language changes that dont seem like a big deal, the company is going to continue its abuse and twisting of the language to benefit themselves.
They arent going to pay these guys $30 to work preload,(your building again is an exception right now) They are going to pay them to make sure no one gets overtime anymore. Tuesday through Friday these will be the bailout bi$*hes, and Saturday they will work to make Mondays volume lighter.
And 22.4 isnt the only issue in this contract. This company made 6 billion per year in profit off our backs and also got a 16 billion tax refund from the tax refund, so a 2% raise is a slap in the face, a $400 bump that doesnt even go into effect until 2020 to only the highest years pension is a slap in the face. Wall street gave UPS high marks for the last contract in which we got very similar raises and that was during the recession. Now in a booming economy, we are going to accept these insultingly small increases??
Our supplement hasnt eliminated TCD, so those people will have to go from TCD(which is considered a part time position) to 22.4 if they want to eventually make it to RPCD. Our building has already sent 6 P/T to school in anticipation of the contract passing so they can put them on. Our TCD will have the first crack at 22.4 and then they will fill from the P/T ranks from there.
Your building if its as overstaffed as you say, wont see another RPCD for years, because once the volume increases, unless someone retires, they will just hire 22.4s to cover the increase. Theyve got 25% of your current driver list to hire 22.4s before they have to hire another RPCD.