Speeding/ Wreckless Driving


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
How badly would i speeding ticket handicap my chances of driving... What about a Wreckless Driving? I havn't had either but just wondering how careful I should be.
Just for future reference. You dont want either for any reason.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I definitely need to be more careful and I have been lately. Once past a cop going 80 in a 55 at night and he followed me for about 5 minutes and turned around. Another time I got pulled over going 60 in a 45 and let me go because I was 17 and he said he didn't want to :censored2: up my insurance :)
I did that once when I was young (and hot). Passed a statey in SC, 95mph, got a wave off, never got pulled over. Wouldnt do it now.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
nevertheless, look up this and start practicing those 5 keys in your own vehicle.


UPS paid their dues to use that "All Good Kids Like Milk" system, but in FedExLand, they got cheap & invented their own crap called "S.A.friend.E."

the 10 pt commentary can maybe wait until your brownied up in a uniform & plant that @$$ in a brown package car

Good Luck & let's cya update / bump this thread when you go behind the wheel. Maybe try to get a CDL and be a feeder driver instead if you don't want 200-400 stops a day...