State of the Union Address


Well-Known Member
And 2018 and 2020 were the worst in many years . Batting one for four ain’t great
2020 was the pandemic and the crash was due to state shutdowns, not a national shutdown. And fiscally 2018 was a good year. Trump had three good years. And too many people bought into the smears by Democrats. If Trump had been reelected gas prices would be less, inflation would be low, and Democrats would still be trying to find something they could get rid of Trump with.


Well-Known Member
My first job real W-2 job. Cow puncher in a stockyard. Walked there every Saturday before 6AM. By the time the sale was over and everything loaded and wrapped up it was 8-9PM.
Carter was President. $1.60 an hour.... That's around $9.00 today.
the min wage is slightly lower than its all time high in 1968. equivalent to 12 something per hour in todays dollars.



As an Independent, it boggles my mind how the Democratic Party never got behind him and instead threw in all their cards for Biden.

This is the type of SOTU I wanted, not Biden's loud Phantom of the Opera yelling about mega maga and abortion.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Nope you said it yourself recognized. It was never a right. Even Ole Ruth questioned the Dobbs decision when she was alive
That's what the Supreme Court of the United States does. It rules on cases that it takes and they become part of the supreme law of the land if and until the decision is overturned in the future. That's kind of how it works.

Hopes this helps.


Well-Known Member
That's what the Supreme Court of the United States does. It rules on cases that it takes and they become part of the supreme law of the land if and until the decision is overturned in the future. That's kind of how it works.

Hopes this helps.
Still isn’t a constitutional right like you said. Supreme Court interpreted the 14 amendment on way back in 1973 and the Supreme Court interpreted the 14 amendment a different way in 2022. It’s a states right issue right now.

Hope this helps!
Still isn’t a constitutional right like you said. Supreme Court interpreted the 14 amendment on way back in 1973 and the Supreme Court interpreted the 14 amendment a different way in 2022. It’s a states right issue right now.

Hope this helps!
It’s not a Constitutionally protected right anymore. Roe was overturned by Dobbs. This is what I’ve been saying.

You said abortion was “never” Constitutionally protected and I pointed out why you were wrong. Now you’re trying to change the subject.