I was recently asked to come back as an instructor for the New Service Provider Training classes held at a facility just north of the Latham (NY) building. The lead instructor and I had worked together for 15-20 years and she sent me a text letting me know that they were bringing back retirees, at roughly $5/hr above top rate

, to help teach the classes. The training consisted of a two hour Zoom call on Friday, three days of online training from Monday-Wednesday followed up by two days of classroom training on Thursday ad Friday. We had one or two on cars and a couple of former drivers as full time instructors. I was "in charge" of the Clarksville portion of the training. Each of the trainees had two on road evaluations of about 30 minutes each per in class day. Much of their training was done online. Clarksville, which is supposed to simulate actual delivery situations, is pretty much a joke----5 delivery stops (signatures, 1 pickup and 1 multiple COD stop) and a back between a series of cones intended to simulate backing up to a loading dock. We emphasized the start/stop routine. The trainees were required to memorize the 5 seeing habits verbatim and the "why" and "what" of the 10 point commentary with a firm grasp of the verbiage. I couldn't help but notice as the closer we got to Peak and the increased need for new drivers that the emphasis on the DOK was reduced. I did enjoy the Telematics presentation as I would ask the instructor to pull up my former center and to focus on a few of the "problem children" to see what kind of stupid "stuff" they were doing. They never disappointed-----one of them thought it was a good idea to back up nearly 1/4 mile at about 11mph. At any rate, while the training was supposed to get them ready, there is no substitute for actually getting them out there and having them do it. I still contend that having them ride with a senior FT driver for a day would be far better than having them sit in a classroom for a week.