Storming the Capitol


Inordinately Right
Regardless what the police officers behind her were doing and even if they “should’ve stopped her”, she wa coming through the window to the next line of defense.

It’s like saying nobody should have faced consequences because they shouldn’t have gotten that far in the first place.
It's obviously a bad shooting that didn't need to happen. I don't feel sorry for her in the least, she put herself in a situation where that was a likely outcome.

I'm just pointing out that people like you are hypocrites when it comes to police shootings. Maybe you just can't see your hypocrisy, seems pretty obvious though.


Staff member
It's obviously a bad shooting that didn't need to happen. I don't feel sorry for her in the least, she put herself in a situation where that was a likely outcome.

I'm just pointing out that people like you are hypocrites when it comes to police shootings. Maybe you just can't see your hypocrisy, seems pretty obvious though.
Why is it a bad shooting? Where am I wrong?

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member

What about Trump? Well, he made it clear to Miller on January 5 that he wanted boots on the ground:

Who was “they”? And why did Trump believe there would be such a need for troops—because he expected the troops would have to fend off Antifa, or because he anticipated that his own supporters would cause trouble? Miller said he didn’t follow up on the request because, “At the time, I had been advised by our domestic law enforcement partners that based on their experience with protests and crowd control, as well as their intelligence information, that they were confident that they had sufficient personnel assigned to maintain order.”
@DriveInDriveOut why would you label ‘creative ‘ sworn testimony from the one Congressional hearing you seem satisfied with?

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
It's an antiTrump cesspool for left wingers to play in. Have fun.
How about Vanity Fair? It was okay for tieguy/newfie/beegdadday/UPSSup/BigBobUPS to use.

BTW, NeverTrump land is far from a cesspool, it's more like a fresh mountain spring.


Inordinately Right
Go back to 8kun to find something that appeals more to your sensibilities.


Well-Known Member

What about Trump? Well, he made it clear to Miller on January 5 that he wanted boots on the ground:

Who was “they”? And why did Trump believe there would be such a need for troops—because he expected the troops would have to fend off Antifa, or because he anticipated that his own supporters would cause trouble? Miller said he didn’t follow up on the request because, “At the time, I had been advised by our domestic law enforcement partners that based on their experience with protests and crowd control, as well as their intelligence information, that they were confident that they had sufficient personnel assigned to maintain order.”
every trump rally draws antifa nuts


Well-Known Member
How about Vanity Fair? It was okay for tieguy/newfie/beegdadday/UPSSup/BigBobUPS to use.

BTW, NeverTrump land is far from a cesspool, it's more like a fresh mountain spring.
sucks when a left wing rag :censored2:s the left wing bed

The Driver

I drive.
Giuliani: Let’s have trial by combat!

*combat ensues by mob attack, grown men act like animals as they commit treason, breaking windows and breaking through police barricades hunting for members of Congress and Mike Pence, 140 cops are injured, one dies, three other people die, multiple cops commit suicide in the days following*

Trump sycophants: What combat?

The Driver

I drive.
Please, tell me what you concluded from the article. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Bold of you to assume they read the article.

If it’s an article that makes Republicans look bad then Republican diehards will say the source is fake and it’s fake news.

If it’s an article from that same source that makes Democrats look bad then Republicans conclude that the source is legitimate and it’s real news… and they’re right because it most often is.

This is the problem with the GOP base today. No source is legitimate until it shines bad light on Democrats. Then when bad light shines on Republicans the media is suddenly the enemy of the people again.