Storming the Capitol

El Correcto

god is dead
Anything that makes Trump look bad is fake news.

Useful idiots. It’s been a loyalty test for the past five years and you’re still eating his *. Unbelievable.
We are sitting here watching them retract a year or so worth of reporting bud over covid-19. Story after story, involving their TDS keeping them from doing their jobs.
they slandered the man relentlessly like no other president ever.

bah bah bah.


Well-Known Member
If things here are as bad as you contend that they are, then surely you have no intention of coming back. So what are you so worked up about?
Chief I'm at my dad's home in Florida. He's about to have both knees replaced, one operation after the other. He's 82. I'm here through the end of the year and may be here the rest of his life. I don't know why you're so fixated on my living overseas. That's the thing about being a U.S. citizen, freedom of choice. Freedom that people like you would take away given the opportunity. Y'all slam Trump for building a wall to keep people out but you know darn well you'd do everything possible to keep us in if you could.

The Driver

I drive.
We are sitting here watching them retract a year or so worth of reporting bud over covid-19. Story after story, involving their TDS keeping them from doing their jobs.
they slandered the man relentlessly like no other president ever.

bah bah bah.
Trump said everything in the world that there was to say about the virus. So which part of what he said did he really mean?

He has no credibility.

You’re a sucker.


Well-Known Member
Trump said everything in the world that there was to say about the virus. So which part of what he said did he really mean?

He has no credibility.

You’re a sucker.
For one it's come out that hydroxy chloroquine combined with a couple of other drugs increases survival by 200%. Use of hydroxy was slammed and ridiculed and not allowed for no other reason than Trump mentioned it as a promising treatment. How many could have been saved except politics got in the way?
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Well-Known Member
Trump doesn't seem gross to his fans but he's detestable to the rest of us. 80 million votes for the old dead guy to kick Trump out of office makes sense to me.
You have the floor, exactly why is he detestable to you, specifically, and the rest you presume to speak for?
Start your list, rest assured it will be countered.


Well-Known Member
We are sitting here watching them retract a year or so worth of reporting bud over covid-19. Story after story, involving their TDS keeping them from doing their jobs.
they slandered the man relentlessly like no other president ever.

bah bah bah.
Why limit it to his last year in office?
Trump said he was wiretapped, you know the response from the leftist media, we now know the truth.
The assault on Trump began before he took the oath of office.,

The left are lying bastards, the left media is the mouthpiece and originator.

That is the truth floridays operates under, no one has been able to convince me otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I don’t deflect. Preferential treatment of real criminals because they’re black is an equally worse attack on our democracy and by doing nothing empowers the thugs.
The lack of enforcement of one criminal act does not excuse the behavior of other criminal acts.


Well-Known Member
A lot of criminal mischief, some theft, assault, battery.
Cool, issue the indictments, lets move the process along.

Amendment VI​

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Each Amendment to the Constitution pertains to individual citizens, irregardless of the way bastardized case law has created precedent by group "affiliation."

Issue individual indictments, to individual US citizens and let these citizens and their counsel dictate exactly what a "speedy trial" is in a Constitutional Republic.

It's time to put these horse :poop: Communist tribunals to bed, once and for all.

The legal argument exists and should be able to see the light of day in a Constitutional Republic.

You have no idea of anything I just referred to or offered in a legal sense.
