Storming the Capitol


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Thats true too. if jan 6 succeeded it would be been a successful coup.
According to this it was a successful coup...

There Was No Insurrection But There Was A Coup

The moment the coup began to reveal itself Americans knew something was amiss. Many went to bed on November 3rd believing that Trump was leading in enough states to secure an electoral victory, including in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Strangely, however, while America slept, densely populated Democrat counties like Fulton (Atlanta) in Georgia and Allegheny (Pittsburgh) in Pennsylvania “stopped counting“ votes only to “restart” later when Biden suddenly got enough votes to swing the state blue. Similarly, Philadelphia stopped “reporting” at 1 AM and later announced Biden had won the state.

The morning of the 4th, as cries of fraud came from red areas across the country, the side that cried “election fraud” for four years suddenly fell silent. Apparently, 2020 had become the “most legitimate election in American history“.

Joseph Stalin said, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” That’s exactly how we went from being a constitutional republic to a banana republic, but rather than the United Fruit Company or the CIA running the coup, it was Mark Zuckerberg, Democrats, the FBI, and the media.

After two months of being caricatured and called conspiracy nuts or white nationalists, almost a million frustrated Trump voters went to Washington on January 6th to demand Congress investigate the election. After a rally where President Trump explicitly said to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard“ a riot with a few hundred people broke out at the Capital and, suddenly, an “Insurrection” worse than anything “since the Civil War“ occurred. Anyone questioning the election was a guilty participant. That riot, which the FBI may have planned or empowered, suddenly changed the national conversation from investigating November’s coup to impeaching Trump for “incitement of insurrection.” And that was it. End of debate. Biden won and Trump tried to incite a coup. Any contrary ideas were verboten....


Well-Known Member
No prez gets relected wen economy crashes on their watch. thats how u know trump lost.

But ur election system is a disaster which prob helps trump more than it hurts him
Any reasonable person knows that the president had no control over the virus that crashed the economy. If anything it could be argued Democrat mayors and governors shut down their economies with the intention of hurting Trump. Joe Biden said he would get the virus under control. Has he?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
AOC Lays Wreath At Her Grave On January 6th


BRONX, NY—United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez visited Woodlawn Cemetery this morning to grieve in quiet dignity at her own grave on the 1-year anniversary of her death on January 6. She was seen openly weeping and tearing her clothes by the photo crew she brought with her.

AOC, who was killed in the Capitol’s House Chamber by murderous Trump supporters, left a wreath where her body had been peacefully laid to rest.


Well-Known Member
Any reasonable person knows that the president had no control over the virus that crashed the economy. If anything it could be argued Democrat mayors and governors shut down their economies with the intention of hurting Trump. Joe Biden said he would get the virus under control. Has he?
And yet trump didnt get reelected for that reason...

Maybe the electorate is unreasonable?


Well-Known Member
According to this it was a successful coup...

There Was No Insurrection But There Was A Coup

The moment the coup began to reveal itself Americans knew something was amiss. Many went to bed on November 3rd believing that Trump was leading in enough states to secure an electoral victory, including in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Strangely, however, while America slept, densely populated Democrat counties like Fulton (Atlanta) in Georgia and Allegheny (Pittsburgh) in Pennsylvania “stopped counting“ votes only to “restart” later when Biden suddenly got enough votes to swing the state blue. Similarly, Philadelphia stopped “reporting” at 1 AM and later announced Biden had won the state.

The morning of the 4th, as cries of fraud came from red areas across the country, the side that cried “election fraud” for four years suddenly fell silent. Apparently, 2020 had become the “most legitimate election in American history“.

Joseph Stalin said, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” That’s exactly how we went from being a constitutional republic to a banana republic, but rather than the United Fruit Company or the CIA running the coup, it was Mark Zuckerberg, Democrats, the FBI, and the media.

After two months of being caricatured and called conspiracy nuts or white nationalists, almost a million frustrated Trump voters went to Washington on January 6th to demand Congress investigate the election. After a rally where President Trump explicitly said to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard“ a riot with a few hundred people broke out at the Capital and, suddenly, an “Insurrection” worse than anything “since the Civil War“ occurred. Anyone questioning the election was a guilty participant. That riot, which the FBI may have planned or empowered, suddenly changed the national conversation from investigating November’s coup to impeaching Trump for “incitement of insurrection.” And that was it. End of debate. Biden won and Trump tried to incite a coup. Any contrary ideas were verboten....
No the economy blew up while trump was prez so of course he will lose


Well-Known Member
No Dan Crenshaw or Ron DeSantis?

View attachment 366642
I watched DeSantis take apart a reporter who claimed that covid was a red state problem. No yelling, no thumping his chest and saying he's running the best this or that ever, just a logical, coherent response. People don't realize how thrilled most Floridians are to have DeSantis as their governor. If he ever gets elected president I think he'll end up as popular as Reagan. And we could sure use a Reagan right now.


Well-Known Member
AOC Lays Wreath At Her Grave On January 6th

View attachment 366708

BRONX, NY—United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez visited Woodlawn Cemetery this morning to grieve in quiet dignity at her own grave on the 1-year anniversary of her death on January 6. She was seen openly weeping and tearing her clothes by the photo crew she brought with her.

AOC, who was killed in the Capitol’s House Chamber by murderous Trump supporters, left a wreath where her body had been peacefully laid to rest.
They all so badly wanted to have sex with her that they raped her to death.


Well-Known Member
Love to know last prez who got reelected during a recession

Do ya think maybe the Democrats knew that very fact and that it was their only hope to win? That a "mysterious" virus developed 10 or 11 months before the election that came from a lab was just coincidence?

Helping by critically thinking


Well-Known Member
I watched DeSantis take apart a reporter who claimed that covid was a red state problem. No yelling, no thumping his chest and saying he's running the best this or that ever, just a logical, coherent response. People don't realize how thrilled most Floridians are to have DeSantis as their governor. If he ever gets elected president I think he'll end up as popular as Reagan. And we could sure use a Reagan right now.
reagan destroyed unions and turned america into a high cost economy

they even had him in the matrix selling out to smith.

he was a corporate spokesman for god sakes


Well-Known Member
Do ya think maybe the Democrats knew that very fact and that it was their only hope to win? That a "mysterious" virus developed 10 or 11 months before the election that came from a lab was just coincidence?

Helping by critically thinking
was the 2008 financial crisis a coincidence or consequence of democrats?

i say coincidence.


Well-Known Member
I watched DeSantis take apart a reporter who claimed that covid was a red state problem. No yelling, no thumping his chest and saying he's running the best this or that ever, just a logical, coherent response. People don't realize how thrilled most Floridians are to have DeSantis as their governor. If he ever gets elected president I think he'll end up as popular as Reagan. And we could sure use a Reagan right now.
DeathSantis will be gone over the omnicron. Just as Trump globed Covid. History is repeating with Deatsantis


Well-Known Member
AOC Lays Wreath At Her Grave On January 6th

View attachment 366708

BRONX, NY—United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez visited Woodlawn Cemetery this morning to grieve in quiet dignity at her own grave on the 1-year anniversary of her death on January 6. She was seen openly weeping and tearing her clothes by the photo crew she brought with her.

AOC, who was killed in the Capitol’s House Chamber by murderous Trump supporters, left a wreath where her body had been peacefully laid to rest.
They yelled Hang Mike Pence….