Storming the Capitol


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Your so full of it!


Well-Known Member
I only wish that it was the insurrection that they said it was and a couple of them were made an example of. It was a very poorly thought out half measure. Should have had ten times the people and everyone bring your guns
So if they had guns and found the speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi…then what should they have done ??? Let it out. Be honest and open.
So if they had guns and found the speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi…then what should they have done ??? Let it out. Be honest and open.
My guns were destroyed in a boating accident mister fbe agent…but nothing happened to her did it? unlike Steve scalise who was shot at a baseball field by a radical Marxist. Like i said only the government killed anyone a year ago same as its always been

Just goes to show you what sociopaths they are to do the kind of damage they do daily and then act as though they’re the victims


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
My guns were destroyed in a boating accident mister fbe agent…but nothing happened to her did it? unlike Steve scalise who was shot at a baseball field by a radical Marxist. Like i said only the government killed anyone a year ago same as its always been

Just goes to show you what sociopaths they are to do the kind of damage they do daily and then act as though they’re the victims
they failed when they left their weapons at home. Who knew the dems would feel so threatened by flags and banners
Right. I wish it was what they pretend it was. But it wasn’t. They were still sworn in so there was no insurrection. But that’s the only way this regime will leave power. It certainly won’t be solved politically

They said trump would refuse to leave. It’s them that will refuse to leave