Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
And how would you have described the Benghazi hearings?
all public hearings are dog and pony shows.

but comon man a movie producer in prime time?
no interviews with Pelosi or the mayor to find out why they didnt call in the 20000 Nat guard approved by the president?


Well-Known Member
Well if you’d pay attention you know I didn’t watch those either. Pointless grandstanding by political parties. That’s not to say Hillary wasn’t guilty just means nobody was going to do anything about it.
The hearings were good enough to help make her lose in 2016.


Inordinately Right
Funny that you’re crying after you successfully used nearly a dozen Benghazi hearing to take down Hillary.
You mean like the 11 hearings on Benghazi?
Remember when MSNBC, CNN and other liberal mainstream media refused to cover the Benghazi hearings to protect Hillary? The only place you could watch the truth was Fox News.

Oh, that’s right they did cover the hearings extensively.
And how would you have described the Benghazi hearings?
Rather than regurgitate the left wing trash you swallowed, why don't you just link to the garbage outlet that shoved this lame ass talking point down your throat?

Here let me help:

It was her turn!!!!!
Orange man bad!!!

You sheep are so predictable.


Well-Known Member
You can add that to the pile. I hate Hillary and would have voted Republican in 2016 if it would have been anyone besides Trump.
Trump winning is the only reason the hillary /FBI insurrection collusion conspiracy was exposed.
if he had lost all would have been covered up and the big goof would still be running his secret police style of the FBI on behalf of the DNC.

At this point any true American should be grateful that this rot was exposed and demanding accountability.


Well-Known Member
I remember the Watergate hearings and while they were not prime time, Americans watched as much as they could. Even though it interrupted the soaps.
Nixon was a light weight compared to Hillary. Political accountability is a one way street and the DNC rides for free.


Well-Known Member
That’s what we libs do.

Hillary sucks. I would have taken a Mitt Romney or other reasonable Republican over her. Not that turd Ted Cruz though.

I held my nose, gagged and begrudgingly voted for her.
in hindsight i think Obama was much better than Romney or McCain. And I think Obama sucked