Storming the Capitol


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The democrats always follow the head sheep. Even off a cliff.


Well-Known Member
You mean like the Capitol police officers and your hero Ashli Babbit?
I read recently that the shooter of Babbit never even filed a police report on his shooting. Think about that for a moment.
If he was a white cop shooting a black rioter in minnesota he would be in jail. this guy can shoot a citizen who served her country for 14 years and not even have to file a report.

Is there a line that the democrats can cross where you ever feel outraged?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I read recently that the shooter of Babbit never even filed a police report on his shooting. Think about that for a moment.
If he was a white cop shooting a rioter in minnesota he would be in jail. this guy can shoot a citizen and not even have to file a report.
Incompetent ass too. He was reprimanded for leaving his gun in a bathroom. Idiot.


Well-Known Member
I want to know who got the back hall and stairwell tours on January 5th and if they ended up back in the Capitol building on January 6th.
i want to know why we lock up people and deny them their rights for over a year when the police let them in.



Inordinately Right
I think we need to identify all these paid Antifa beating up this cop.

Which one hasn't been identified?
The FBI has spent millions of dollars on the largest investigation in their history. You're telling me they haven't been successful?

Maybe they think it was a mostly peaceful protest....


Well-Known Member

He was present in Washington, D.C., for the Jan. 6, 2021, protests that preceded an attack on the U.S. Capitol.

In June 2021, the Michigan Democratic Party promoted video footage that appeared to show Kelley shouting “Come on, let’s go! This is it! This is– this is war, baby!” as he moved toward the Capitol building.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The hearings were good enough to help make her lose in 2016.
No, it was her and Bill increasing their wealth to over $100 million dollars in the 15 years since leaving office with her breaking national security laws to make deals on her laptop then hiding those emails in spite of a subpoena to turn all of them over to investigators. It was telling hard working people in coal country that she was going to destroy their livelihood. It was not campaigning in Rust Belt states assuming they would loyally vote Democrat like always. Hillary was a terrible campaigner while Trump was holding huge rallies everywhere. By the way her assertion at the Benghazi hearings of "what difference does it make" didn't help her with potential voters who believed our government not coming through to protect its citizens under attack is a big deal and it does make a difference.