Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
BLM is also the *ing worst. But they've never attacked the US Capitol Building with our elected representatives inside it.
That my friend is a very lame argument .because they burned down and destroyed a lot of businesses and a lot of city buildings and for you to make an argument that somehow they're better because they didn't trespass in the capital building is really super ridiculous


Bad Moon Risen'
It is sending a clear message that if Democrats intend to pack SCOTUS, create two new states, give citizenship to millions of illegals, and take down the border wall, among other things, there will be repercussions.
There are way too many Chinese to stop them. Didn't you learn anything from the Korean War?


Bad Moon Risen'
That my friend is a very lame argument .because they burned down and destroyed a lot of businesses and a lot of city buildings and for you to make an argument that somehow they're better because they didn't trespass in the capital building is really super ridiculous
Fake news. BLM protesters were peaceful. It was the thug Proud Boys that infiltrated the group and burned things down.


Well-Known Member
At this point the protesters jshould ust occupy the capital until the 20th. At that point pelosis can go ahead and become president. If we're going to be ridiculous and actually believe that some senile old fart hiding in his basement taking October off actually won the presidency thens let's just go all out ridiculous.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

Never in my lifetime did I ever think I’d see anything like this.
This makes me so sad to see. Our political process has always been admired around the world, and to see it falling apart so quickly....
It’s been falling apart since like the 60’s though. Oxds


Well-Known Member
You guys are really overdoing the drama queen bit
As a loyal Trump supporter you are as culpable for today's coup attempt as those who have stormed the capital. Mary Trump whose qualifications in the field of human behavior are second to none was correct when she said that Donald Trump is the most dangerous man in America.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Guys, if it had been Democrats attacking the US Capitol Building today you would have grabbed your guns and hopped in your cars and trucks to go defend Mike Pence and the United States Congress.

To belittle what happened today is to deny what your own reality would have been had the circumstances been a little different.