I was just thinking the same thing.Don’t you have to wait until you actually get paid before you file a grievance on getting paid incorrectly?
I was just thinking the same thing.Don’t you have to wait until you actually get paid before you file a grievance on getting paid incorrectly?
I was just thinking the same thing.
Yes I was. Part timer.No you weren't Dave Jr
So should I wait to get a paycheck to fill out a grievance or should I fill one out tomorrow?
What I was going to do was talk to the center manager tomorow morning and let him know that I didn’t get time and a half on NYE. If he gives me some bullsh1t then I’ll just fill out the grievance
Tell center manager you don't believe you were paid right and he should fix it.
When you recieve your paycheck and it's wrong tell center manager you were not paid right and want it to be fixed in 2 days.
When 2 days is up. File a grievance and ask for penalty pay.
I can’t seem to find anything specific for holiday pay...i just searched through 200 pages of the contract and southern supplement. Can you send a link to what you found?So I was checking my time card and noticed I didn’t make as much as I did when I worked on thanksgiving eve. I did the math and I only got paid straight time. Now I went ahead and asked a steward first before I went upstairs to the center manager. He told me that with the new contract, if we only deliver airs that day (which we did) that it’s only straight time pay. Then another driver told me that you don’t get time and a half if your a 22.4 or reg temp. Which I’m not. Then someone told me that if I volunteer to work. That I don’t get time and a half. Which I didn’t volunteer. I was forced.
So I went ahead and read through the contract on my break and I didn’t find anything that said about no time in a half if it’s airs. Nothing about 22.4 or volunteering. But I did find the section where it says we get time and a half on a Holiday.
Im going to write a grievance when I get back to the center today. I was just wondering how much of a case do I have going here. Also I worked 8 hrs that day if it matters.
In the southern supplement, it is holiday pay plus double time on working holidayI talked to a steward about this same issue today. I am a RPCD, Monday thru Friday. This steward is new so he said he was going to make a phone call today and find out. A supervisor claimed, you’re Mon-Fri that’s why you got straight time. I’m not taking his word for it. For what it is worth, I did have a few ground packages on my truck (three that I delivered).
I was under the assumption that NYE is like Black Friday, a working holiday...so time and a half. Any other insight? Southern supplement
Where did you find this? Link? Screenshot?In the southern supplement, it is holiday pay plus double time on working holiday
Atlantic is definitely time and a half for all hours worked, also doesn't matter whether you volunteer or not. I would probably hold off on the grievance until you talk to your center manager.I am not a 22.4 and I am also not a air driver. I am a RPCD. Bid on a route that I got and I am currently doing. I am on the seniority list.
I talked to the shop steward again and we both sat down at lunch time and read the contract about holidays and in the contract it says time and a half. Steward told me he would write out a grievance for me when I get back to the building.
Also I am in the Atlantic Area supplement
Stop with the RPCD. There are only drivers and scabs.Are you a 22.4 or a RPCD?
I believe the reason you were paid straight time in my opinion is because you were coded as a Air Driver. Air drivers only get OT if over 40 hours or over 8.
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If you are a 22.4 or a RPCD you shouldn't have been coded as a Air driver.