Strike authorization vote for 705


Well-Known Member
Stay strong 705! You are only different from the rest of the nation because you had the stones to vote no on a bad contract.

cough cough cough

UPS Teamsters rejected five supplements and riders, including three major supplemental agreements in the East, putting the ratification of the UPS national contract on hold.

Teamsters in the Central Pennsylvania Supplement, the Western Pennsylvania Supplement and the New York Area Local 804 Supplement voted No and sent these agreements back for further improvements.

The Local 926 Carwash Supplement and the Hawaii Rider were also voted down.

A fourth large supplement, the Northern California supplement was also nearly rejected.

Overall the national agreement is headed toward approval by 65 percent. However, under the Teamster Constitution the national contract cannot be ratified until all of the supplements have been approved.

Union negotiators need to return to the bargaining table to negotiate improvements.

Local 804 Teamsters voted by an overwhelming 3 to 1 margin against the national contract and their supplement, which would have put an end to 25 & Out pension benefits for new Teamsters among other givebacks.


Ground Down
Now now ogre you weren't paying attention. I didn't ask if you would be unhappy if chicago got more. I asked about the unity thing. Chicago may get a completely different contract since they are not tied into the CS mess and since the economy has tanked since the national was ratified.

The question is how does the unity thing sell when they purposely negotiate separately from the national. Put another way they stick their nose up at unity when they negotiate outside the national but will ask for unified support if their talks stall.

The scenario is really one of them trying to have their cake and eat it too.

i think i do understand. the national teamsters have no power, they tell you that them selves. each local does it's own thing. to try and lump us all together is unfair. we have the western, southern,CS,NE and all the other riders and supplementals that go along with it. UPS would never want us to be 1 big group, since we're broke up into are little groups, ups can nit pick the contracts and get a feel for what they take away from each group, and what they have to give to each group to make them happy. what ups does is sit down at the table and says "OK we have a cake for the teamsters. NE is a diabetic so they don't want to much frosting. so they take the frosting away,but they add more cake. well the southerns like sweets, so they get the frosting, but loose allittle of the cake to make up for NE and there extra frosting.

i think the only down side on UPS's part was they put the contract into effect on Jan ST. now the 705, and 710 see the loops hole and want to close them.

But to answer your question. teamsters are not 1 big unit, each local handles they're members. so it's never local against local. If people are mad about there contract, the only ones they can be mad at is their local members and thier BA.


cough cough coughhin

UPS Teamsters rejected five supplements and riders, including three major supplemental agreements in the East, putting the ratification of the UPS national contract on hold.

Teamsters in the Central Pennsylvania Supplement, the Western Pennsylvania Supplement and the New York Area Local 804 Supplement voted No and sent these agreements back for further improvements.

The Local 926 Carwash Supplement and the Hawaii Rider were also voted down.

A fourth large supplement, the Northern California supplement was also nearly rejected.

Overall the national agreement is headed toward approval by 65 percent. However, under the Teamster Constitution the national contract cannot be ratified until all of the supplements have been approved.

Union negotiators need to return to the bargaining table to negotiate improvements.

Local 804 Teamsters voted by an overwhelming 3 to 1 margin against the national contract and their supplement, which would have put an end to 25 & Out pension benefits for new Teamsters among other givebacks.

All that sounds wonderfull. The problem is its archaic. You guys grew up blaming the company for everything. Company pays a lot towards your retirement and your health plans. You should not have to even discuss givebacks in either but the problem is the guys managing your money don't know what they are doing. As 804 again found out with their health plan. So you keep asking for more and more from the company while the guy managing the money in the back room keeps peeing it away. But for some reason it makes you feel better to talk about the company then it does to deal with the money managers screwing you over.
804 has a grass roots revolt going on. they may end up replacing the current leadership. The current leadership will then put on the show about holding the company accountable. They'll talk all the tough talk but unless they learn how to manage the money the results will still be the same. You guys need to learn to elect finance guys to the position instead of truck drivers. But you won't learn. You'll vote some guy in that promises to play hard ball with the company while your finance guys keep losing the money.

New Englander

Well-Known Member
All that sounds wonderfull. The problem is its archaic. You guys grew up blaming the company for everything. Company pays a lot towards your retirement and your health plans. You should not have to even discuss givebacks in either but the problem is the guys managing your money don't know what they are doing. As 804 again found out with their health plan. So you keep asking for more and more from the company while the guy managing the money in the back room keeps peeing it away. But for some reason it makes you feel better to talk about the company then it does to deal with the money managers screwing you over.
804 has a grass roots revolt going on. they may end up replacing the current leadership. The current leadership will then put on the show about holding the company accountable. They'll talk all the tough talk but unless they learn how to manage the money the results will still be the same. You guys need to learn to elect finance guys to the position instead of truck drivers. But you won't learn. You'll vote some guy in that promises to play hard ball with the company while your finance guys keep losing the money.

Actually when some one such as yourself comes on here saying this is all propaganda.....then yourself post untrue comments you look like a fool.


Well-Known Member
Back in the 70' and 80's I worked closely with 705 and thought by far they were the best local I had ever worked with, and I've moved around the country a few times. However, if a strike vote is necessary to move the negotiations, that is a formality as far as I know.

Will a strike occur, I doubt it after the national strike of '97, but one never knows. Strikes during these economic times will only hurt the employees, customers and consumers. I think the Teamsters and UPS are well aware of the economic consequences to all parties involved.

Times are changing every day and quicker than ever, although we would all like to think our futures are secure, look out for yourself, and don't count on pensions or social security to help you.

We're not living in our parent's lifetime anymore, it's a whole new world out there. JMO

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Good luck 705. I wish the south had the unity you do.

I hate to say it but I agree. It's not that we aren't united down here but there are plenty of people that just don't care about what goes in with the union or their contract. So many people voted yes for the new contract without really investigating the gains/losses involved in ratifying it. Instead they were quick to vote yes once they saw that the service pensions were restored. Some of our drivers still don't realize, or understand why, that we are under the new contract. It's hilarious. They think that the new contract starts August 1st.


Well-Known Member
Good luck RED wish we could negotiate our own contract here. Local wise we arent big enough but district wide we are being the ken/ohio district with Louisville.You guys have a chance to make a difference and I for one hope you do.


Originally Posted by tieguy
You guys need to learn to elect finance guys to the position instead of truck drivers. .

I think maybe tie should pass that comment to upper management

Don't see why UPS is making money with their truck driver managment.

While as 804's mess shows yours keep losing the money. So here we go again. 804 is in an uproar. they blame their leaders. Grass roots effort to change their leadership to the carey glory years. Meanwhile all that money UPS is feeding them is leaking somewhere and they don't have a clue why.

Nothing changes in these unions until they get someone in charge that understands the money.



804's finance wizard.:happy-very:


Browncafe Steward
I would like to thank everyone minus tie guy of course for their support. Talks 2day again are completed and we are still no closer to discuss economics. We are now down to 4 dates of talks left over the next 3 weeks. Today it hit us that this is a real and serious situation and unless we can pull off a miracle we could be pounding the pavement. Some drivers have already starting informing their customers of the upcoming strike vote. I know im attempting to move some money around right now so im not caught off guard if this should last for some time. Its sad that it might come to this.
When i came on here and re-read all of your posts i know that we are not alone here in chicago no matter what tie says. This means alot to me and other chicago upsers and i mean this. Thanks for the support guys and gals.

Tie is 804 a single employer fund?


Well-Known Member
All that sounds wonderfull. The problem is its archaic. You guys grew up blaming the company for everything. Company pays a lot towards your retirement and your health plans. You should not have to even discuss givebacks in either but the problem is the guys managing your money don't know what they are doing. As 804 again found out with their health plan.

Howard Redmond, President -Chris Langan
Anthony Magrene, Secretary-Treasurer -Jack Dempsey
William Buhlert, Recording Secretary -Steve Nord
Anthony Donato, Trustee -Michael Rosentrater

Thomas Lamontanaro
Cohen, Weiss and Simon, LLP
Proskauer Rose, LLP
Buchbinder, Tunick & Co.
The Segal Company

Good thing its all the unions fault for the health plan problems.
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Howard Redmond, President -Chris Langan
Anthony Magrene, Secretary-Treasurer -Jack Dempsey
William Buhlert, Recording Secretary -Steve Nord
Anthony Donato, Trustee -Michael Rosentrater

Thomas Lamontanaro
Cohen, Weiss and Simon, LLP
Proskauer Rose, LLP
Buchbinder, Tunick & Co.
The Segal Company

Good thing its all the unions fault for the health plan problems.

too much of a cop out. your trustees aren't qualified to manage money.You even said the UPS trustees wanted to cut disbursments to get the plans healthy. They got strong resistance on all fronts. Your plans have a history of paying out more then it takes in. Your people do not know what they are doing. UPS pays way too much money into those funds to be mismanaged like this. Now you have the health plan issues popping up where again its discovered the plan was payiing out more then it was taking in for the last what 5 or 6 years? Who's managing the health plan and what are their qualifications. You need to put people in that understand finance. Its a sad state of affairs 804 that ain't going to get better if the people you put in charge don't learn how to balance the checkbook.

New Englander

Well-Known Member
too much of a cop out. your trustees aren't qualified to manage money.You even said the UPS trustees wanted to cut disbursments to get the plans healthy. They got strong resistance on all fronts. Your plans have a history of paying out more then it takes in. Your people do not know what they are doing. UPS pays way too much money into those funds to be mismanaged like this. Now you have the health plan issues popping up where again its discovered the plan was payiing out more then it was taking in for the last what 5 or 6 years? Who's managing the health plan and what are their qualifications. You need to put people in that understand finance. Its a sad state of affairs 804 that ain't going to get better if the people you put in charge don't learn how to balance the checkbook.

Tie, do you know exactly what their qualifications are?