How is my local different then 705 ?
Every contract in chicago is covered seperate from the national. How many members in you local? How many are ups?
Why is it that you have a seperate contract than we do !!
We fight the same fight every day, touch the same boxes every day, go home with the same stress everyday !!
The size of our local comes into play here 19,000 strong which around 13,000 are ups. Chicago has been allowed to have seperate contracts. The explanation i have heard talkinf with some retirees is because if you shut down chicago you impact the whole country. This was used by other ibt leaders to make points in the past.
If you have someone to fight, talk to Hoffa himself. They accepted the contract from UPS and sent it out to vote. I can't see how Chicago is so special that it needs to threaten a strike and possibly lose customers that affect us all around the country.
Hoffa does not negotaite for us in chicago, maybe you should take it up with him if your not happy with what you got.
We wouldnt have to threaten a strike if ups would agree to bargain in good faith. They have not even talked economics, so we should put this proposal out to the members to vote on and take a chance of no raises, medical, pension for the next 5 years. We will be walking the pavement first.
Same with 710 from my understanding no economics, which should tell you its not the teamsters its the same company negotiators who bargain both contract.
I tried reading those proposals and can not find the bulletpoints of what you are fighting for, besides 22.3 to feeders.
Please send me a link to what this UGLY mess that will ruin our customer base is all about