The replies in here are funny.
Apparently addressing the realities of a Strike and planning on how to win it... appears to some as not wanting to Strike?
Majority of Americans were not essential workers and got to comfortably work from home. If we are deemed essential I do not want to also be deemed expendable regardless how this company may currently see me.A lot of Workers didn’t get hazard pay. Why would they sympathize with us?
What recession?If the country's in a recession, nobody's going to give twos about what the Teamsters and UPS are doing. They'll be worried about their own problems.
This wouldn't be an issue of sympathy. We have the strength in numbers that most workers lack. We will be facing the risk of striking to set new standards that will build a better case for all workers.A lot of Workers didn’t get hazard pay. Why would they sympathize with us?
keep chanting thatWhat recession?
The replies in here are funny.
Apparently addressing the realities of a Strike and planning on how to win it... appears to some as not wanting to Strike?
You have got to be very effeminate to come up with some sissy BS like that.Here's an example of a strategy for what a frontline package car driver can do to garner public support. Everyone just randomly replay the events, or some variation thereof, of our brother in Arizona getting woozy from heat exhaustion in front of a doorbell camera. Pick one of your most busy body customers and collapse in front of their door bell cam. Watch the internet get flooded with videos of over worked package car drivers.
When you get a complaint about how late you are delivering a package, respond with "man, if you're upset, the next 60 people are going to be furious."
Stuff like that. Over all, just be cool with your customers, and we'll have enough support from the public because we'll already have them on our side.
If you want to address what the IBT's strategy might or should be, that's fine. But generally talking about that sort of thing in a publicly viewable forum is counter-productive.
Why does it need to benefit "all" workers?My idea is better: show how us Striking benefits all workers.
Cuz he's a polo soyboyWhy does it need to benefit "all" workers?
You have got to be very effeminate to come up with some sissy BS like that.
My idea is better: show how us Striking benefits all workers.
Compared to anyone else not really though.Compared to 1997 yes.
there will be no strike ......why jeopardize the highest compensation in the industry......better to compromise and improve some conditions and solidify benefits......dont kill the golden goose......better to concentrate on unionizing federal express and far limited progress has been made with them........the next president and government will be republican in nature.........good luck to all and keep the money flowing......
Disclaimer: By “it” I’m guessing you mean strike.Why does it need to benefit "all" workers?
Why are you dodging the question?Disclaimer: By “it” I’m guessing you mean strike.
Because Amazon, Walmart, and everybody that is invested in them are not going to let Sean O’Brien carry out his plans without fighting back and we will need all the support we can get to counter negative PR and media attention.
Wait till CNN runs footage of Americans “suffering” because of a potential Strike with the interviewee saying “UPS Drivers are already getting $40 an hour, what else do they want?”.
Anybody that doesn’t think the above is possible is living in a dream world.
Go after Amazon and Walmart (which is what we should be doing, right?) and expect them to hit back hard as hell.
The best way to communicate how our possible work stoppage would be in all Worker’s best interests is to probably just tell them O’Brian wants to use UPS as a springboard to attack the corporate monopoly.