Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
Yes he did. And we all sin and come up short. The difference is that someone truly trying to practice Christianity admits when he sins, asks for forgiveness, and attempts to not do that again. Where people go wrong is saying they don't care what the Bible says, they're going to do what they want. And the Bible clearly lists homosexuality as a sin. In terms of sex the only acceptable sex in the Bible is between a man and woman married to each other. Doesn't mean people don't give in to temptation and certainly sexual sin is probably the easiest to give into. But let's be clear. The Bible states that relatively few will enter into heaven. How many that is I don't know. But most people won't. It's up to you to save yourself because there's no guarantee. God's grace covers us, but only to the extent we are making a good faith effort to comply with his will. If someone has convinced you that you can do whatever you like and still enter into heaven then you might want to check that against the Bible.
Right. You’re missing the point completely. Jesus COMMANDED that his followers spread the gospel (good news) of salvation, eternal life, forgiveness, hope and perfect love to those far and wide. When we do that, it is up to the other person to decide on their own terms whether they want to accept it or continue in their own lifestyle. Many Christians ignore this commission completely and judge non-Christians for leading non-Christian lifestyles and then turn around and claim persecution when people aren’t receptive to their judgment. It’s incredible how many people claim to follow Christ and ignore everything he ever said and make hills to die on about things he never said.


Well-Known Member
I get such a kick out of you so called "Christians" . You rail against abortion but also rail against the COVID bill which helps to pay for safe child care so all of those lazy "welfare queens" can get off their lazy butts and get a job and provide working class parents with refundable tax credits to help lift them out of poverty which is the greatest threat to the kids you demand be brought into the world regardless of the kind of world they're brought into..... And all this coming from a guy who admits hasn't paid FIT in years.

And BTW, here you are by your own admission looking into going for your disability. Well, just remember one thing. SSD is based on "work suitability". When they see that you're healthy enough to take off to " Mekiko" and well as other global destinations you're still suitable for work.
I went to Mexico instead of pursuing disability. And I'm not down here working out.


Well-Known Member
Right. You’re missing the point completely. Jesus COMMANDED that his followers spread the gospel (good news) of salvation, eternal life, forgiveness, hope and perfect love to those far and wide. When we do that, it is up to the other person to decide on their own terms whether they want to accept it or continue in their own lifestyle. Many Christians ignore this commission completely and judge non-Christians for leading non-Christian lifestyles and then turn around and claim persecution when people aren’t receptive to their judgment. It’s incredible how many people claim to follow Christ and ignore everything he ever said and make hills to die on about things he never said.
And you have it wrong unfortunately. We are told to spread the news that God sent his son to die on the cross as a sacrifice for all mankind. If we believe and turn away from our sins we'll be saved. The Apostle Paul makes it clear that once saved we must not continue doing sinful things. Salvation is within the Church, not without. And those within who continue to do such things we are to shun. We aren't supposed to hate others for their sins, and everyone falls short. But for example it's known that a fellow church member is sleeping with someone other than his wife the Church elders have a responsibility to both the Church and him to tell him he can't continue to be a part of the congregation if he continues that affair. That he must stop or leave. There's no "well we can't be judgemental" consideration. That applies to anyone who continues in a sin.


Well-Known Member
And you have it wrong unfortunately. We are told to spread the news that God sent his son to die on the cross as a sacrifice for all mankind. If we believe and turn away from our sins we'll be saved. The Apostle Paul makes it clear that once saved we must not continue doing sinful things. Salvation is within the Church, not without. And those within who continue to do such things we are to shun. We aren't supposed to hate others for their sins, and everyone falls short. But for example it's known that a fellow church member is sleeping with someone other than his wife the Church elders have a responsibility to both the Church and him to tell him he can't continue to be a part of the congregation if he continues that affair. That he must stop or leave. There's no "well we can't be judgemental" consideration. That applies to anyone who continues in a sin.
What does church discipline between believers have to do with witnessing to homosexual nonbelievers? Stop trying to hammer a square peg in a round hole to justify your personal aversion to homosexuality.


Well-Known Member
SSD might think that if you're capable of long distance travel you're capable of working a job.
Apparently you didn't catch I went to Mexico INSTEAD of pursuing disability. Last time I went to a doctor she poked at my feet with a pen. I couldn't feel it. If I eat too many carbs I get pain in my feet like something with sharp claws is grabbing them. But I don't have insurance, and need it to go to a doctor long enough to get documentation and even then it can take a year or longer to get approved for disability if I do at all. So many people have diabetes now that you pretty much have to be severely impacted by it to get approved, or develop other conditions along with it. For example heart disease caused by the diabetes. Right now I appear to have also developed gastroparesis in my stomach muscles. That's diabetic peripheral neuropathy now affecting my stomach as it does my feet. Keeps my stomach from moving food into my intestines properly. I end up pooping about every three days. Things are falling apart and at this point just want to get some savings together to pay off our house. The way I see it if Penny Marshall can die at 75 from diabetes in spite of all her wealth then it's highly doubtful I'm going to make it to 80 and might not make it to 70. That's less than 11 years on the short end to accomplish what I can.


Well-Known Member
What does church discipline between believers have to do with witnessing to homosexual nonbelievers? Stop trying to hammer a square peg in a round hole to justify your personal aversion to homosexuality.
Christians have to be true to the Bible. It is our guide. If it says that homosexuality will cause you to lose your soul we must tell people they must turn away from it. With all of our scientific discovery there has yet to be discovered a gay gene and I believe there's been considerable effort to find one. If one is found and they truly can't help it I'll gladly say that it would be unjust to condemn the practice. As of now I believe they are tempted to try it, they give into temptation, and find pleasure in it. That makes it easier the next time and eventually they are so drawn into it they start rationalizing that this is what they are. The apostle Paul lists a number of sins including homosexuality and said "such were some of you." He makes it clear one can leave those things if one is accepting of Christ and chooses to do so. It doesn't mean we hate sinners. We actually care about them and their salvation when we warn them they must turn away.


Well-Known Member
Christians have to be true to the Bible. It is our guide. If it says that homosexuality will cause you to lose your soul we must tell people they must turn away from it. With all of our scientific discovery there has yet to be discovered a gay gene and I believe there's been considerable effort to find one. If one is found and they truly can't help it I'll gladly say that it would be unjust to condemn the practice. As of now I believe they are tempted to try it, they give into temptation, and find pleasure in it. That makes it easier the next time and eventually they are so drawn into it they start rationalizing that this is what they are. The apostle Paul lists a number of sins including homosexuality and said "such were some of you." He makes it clear one can leave those things if one is accepting of Christ and chooses to do so. It doesn't mean we hate sinners. We actually care about them and their salvation when we warn them they must turn away.
So rebuke them in hopes that they see things your way is your strategy to saving souls?


Well-Known Member
Inform them and they choose to stop or not. You want to couch everything as hatred.
It’s weird that you’d choose a different strategy than Christ took with the adulterers and tax collectors, but I guess you would know better than him. After all, you were the one who point blank told me I’m not a Christian.


Well-Known Member
Inform them and they choose to stop or not. You want to couch everything as hatred.
I'm an unrestricted free agent sinner and what I hate is the way people continue to take whatever piece of ancient text that will best support their point of view and use it in an effort to forcibly their religious views on the public in an effort to control their behavior and to impose upon them a lifestyle they feel comfortable with and will best reinforce their own self righteousness. And as we all know the performance by the people out in the field doing their religion's dirty work in terms of the number of converts they can bag will determine whether or not they can get promoted to an inside job. They don't want to be another Dano. Quit then have to go crawling back .

Now understand, I would be willing to comply provided that my agent can get me a contract with a major religious denomination. But right now the offers are so crappy that I might have to fire my agent and get somebody else. All I'm asking for is for a bit of security, I don't want to be like those AAFL or Falcon Trucking guys. Hundreds of miles from home and then discover that you've been unconditionally released , last weeks paycheck bounced and you have to find your own way home.


Inordinately Right
what I hate is the way people continue to take whatever piece of ancient text that will best support their point of view and use it in an effort to forcibly their religious views on the public
I agree, people should stop twisting biblical text to lie and say homosexuality is compatible with Christianity.


Well-Known Member
I'm an unrestricted free agent sinner and what I hate is the way people continue to take whatever piece of ancient text that will best support their point of view and use it in an effort to forcibly their religious views on the public in an effort to control their behavior and to impose upon them a lifestyle they feel comfortable with and will best reinforce their own self righteousness. And as we all know the performance by the people out in the field doing their religion's dirty work in terms of the number of converts they can bag will determine whether or not they can get promoted to an inside job. They don't want to be another Dano. Quit then have to go crawling back .

Now understand, I would be willing to comply provided that my agent can get me a contract with a major religious denomination. But right now the offers are so crappy that I might have to fire my agent and get somebody else. All I'm asking for is for a bit of security, I don't want to be like those AAFL or Falcon Trucking guys. Hundreds of miles from home and then discover that you've been unconditionally released , last weeks paycheck bounced and you have to find your own way home.
You're free to choose how you want to live your life as long as you aren't hurting others. But it seems to gall you that some choose to try to follow Christianity as best they can. Even if they never bother you with it you're still angry about it. Thank goodness we do have the right to worship as we believe without being harassed by haters.


Well-Known Member
There is zilch in the Bible that commands, advocates, supports, or addresses in any way the idea that the government is obliged to tax the citizens to pay for aid to the needy.

Interesting that their concern for privacy begins and ends with an act that deliberately targets black babies for slaughter.
We people ARE the government, don't you understand????? A little different than in biblical times. and god commanded that people take care of the poor, weak, etc. And where did god ever punish homosexuality? You seem to know a lot more about homosexualtiy than I do.


Well-Known Member
OK. You claimed to be a Christian. As a Christian, do you agree that homosexuality is sin and that a marriage is between a biological man and a biological woman?

Don't want you to have to scroll through like 15 responses, ya know!
I don't believe homosexuality is a sin, and marriage is a financial contract between consenting adults.


Well-Known Member
Yes he did. And we all sin and come up short. The difference is that someone truly trying to practice Christianity admits when he sins, asks for forgiveness, and attempts to not do that again. Where people go wrong is saying they don't care what the Bible says, they're going to do what they want. And the Bible clearly lists homosexuality as a sin. In terms of sex the only acceptable sex in the Bible is between a man and woman married to each other. Doesn't mean people don't give in to temptation and certainly sexual sin is probably the easiest to give into. But let's be clear. The Bible states that relatively few will enter into heaven. How many that is I don't know. But most people won't. It's up to you to save yourself because there's no guarantee. God's grace covers us, but only to the extent we are making a good faith effort to comply with his will. If someone has convinced you that you can do whatever you like and still enter into heaven then you might want to check that against the Bible.
So which of the ten commandments prohibts marriage between two men???? Which of the ten commandments prohibits homosexual acts??? Is there another list of god's commandments you have hidden somewhere????


Well-Known Member
It’s weird that you’d choose a different strategy than Christ took with the adulterers and tax collectors, but I guess you would know better than him. After all, you were the one who point blank told me I’m not a Christian.
Jesus told a sinner to go and sin no more. Was he being judgemental?


Well-Known Member
Yes he did. And we all sin and come up short. The difference is that someone truly trying to practice Christianity admits when he sins, asks for forgiveness, and attempts to not do that again. Where people go wrong is saying they don't care what the Bible says, they're going to do what they want. And the Bible clearly lists homosexuality as a sin. In terms of sex the only acceptable sex in the Bible is between a man and woman married to each other. Doesn't mean people don't give in to temptation and certainly sexual sin is probably the easiest to give into. But let's be clear. The Bible states that relatively few will enter into heaven. How many that is I don't know. But most people won't. It's up to you to save yourself because there's no guarantee. God's grace covers us, but only to the extent we are making a good faith effort to comply with his will. If someone has convinced you that you can do whatever you like and still enter into heaven then you might want to check that against the Bible.
And the
bible thumpers' state that unless you are baptized, you can't get into heaven, and unless you swear an oath to Trump, I mean Jesus, you can't get into heaven. What about the billions of good people who never heard of Jesus???? Your religion is stupid, and you need to be stupid to believe it. I believe Jesus existed, I don't believe he died and rose again. He may have been in a coma for 3 days and died 40 days later. I believe he was a moral more, and attempted to teach his beliefs. If you believe in Jesus, you may as well believe in Merlin the magician. There is lots of evidence that he really existed, and performed magic tricks too.


Well-Known Member
So which of the ten commandments prohibts marriage between two men???? Which of the ten commandments prohibits homosexual acts??? Is there another list of god's commandments you have hidden somewhere????
Leviticus 20:13; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Romans 1:26-27; Leviticus 18:22;