Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
You're projecting lady.

Why don't you just go ahead and skip right to the part where you cry about your dead family member who died in welfare squalor. That's the inevitable end of all your far left ramblings.

No immediate family member of mine that I know of suffered that fate. BTW however. Average cost per year for a semi private room in a skilled care nursing home?....... $86,000. . Think you'll never end up there? Quite a number of states have eldercare laws whereby if the court based on best available professional judgement says that you're better off in a nursing home..... you go to a nursing home if nobody offers a proven better solution and regardless of the fact that the move will likely exhaust your savings allowing you to join up with other nursing home patients on welfare. But don't feel bad. Nationwide 62% of your fellow patients are already on it.

Might as well start figuring out how long your savings will hold out for you Bud..... because it's all simply a matter of time. Why's that? Because everybody gets old and can no longer take care of themselves.


Inordinately Right
Why don't you just go ahead and skip right to the part where you cry about your dead family member who died in welfare squalor. That's the inevitable end of all your far left ramblings.
Average cost per year for a semi private room in a skilled care nursing home?....... $86,000. . Think you'll never end up there? Quite a number of states have eldercare laws whereby if the court based on best available professional judgement says that you're better off in a nursing home..... you go to a nursing home if nobody offers a proven better solution and regardless of the fact that the move will likely exhaust your savings allowing you to join up with other nursing home patients on welfare. But don't feel bad. Nationwide 62% of your fellow patients are already on it.
There it is.
Good, good.
Dance for me lady, dance!


Well-Known Member
Precisely. Yet you consercuks will still invade the privacy of couples and attempt to deprive them of their rights to decide on whether or not to to carry a pregnancy to term. Can you honestly say that this is not bothering them?

Precisely. Another example of you taking an ancient piece of text and using it to prop up your point of view.
Western civilization was founded on that text.


Well-Known Member
You mean when the Romans were conquering Europe??????????? And when most people had never seen a book or heard 'that text'??????
Our laws are based on Judeo-Christian traditions. This is commonly known and accepted by scholars worldwide. You may choose to believe otherwise. It's what haters are trying to do these days, cancel everything that has gone before.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
This, is generally what every thread in this section becomes.
Unfortunately an open forum allows stupid people to post their nonsense, trying the patience of the rest of us and forcing us to break the information down into small enough bites for them to digest.

At least we don't have to wipe their runny noses.